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Warzone Boss Kills unbalance theory proof.


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Ok so I'm aware of warzone boss kills being talked about and people take one side or the other. but I have a few things that perhaps show that it is indeed unbalanced and well not truly fair.


SO I just played a round of warzone. warden was getting demolished I lined up my shot and hit that glowing part with my beam rifle and he goes boom, but it instantly says the enemy destroyed Warden Eternal. now me and my team are going WTF because 2 guys clearly saw me land the last shot it literally was the last shot because the other team only had a tank but the tank was reloading so unless someone hit him with some magic bullet from across the map on that snow level there was no way they got the last shot.

My theory is one of various ill list.


1. the tank got the kill but there was some form of lag and showed him as alive,( I have also seen the team get the points for boss kills  but the boss is still live) 


2. I did get the last hit but the game did not register the hit. ( iv noticed hit registration kind of sucks in this game at times.)


3. there was some kind of glitch and well the game said forget you I'm giving them the kill.


my theory of boss kills not being rewarded to the proper player goes on to the whole thing of why doesn't it clearly state on the kill feed which player got the kill it only says the enemy or your team. that's like saying the wind got the kill anyone could have done it and therefore it is not a accurate way of giving credit where credits due.


and to clear up this theory ill provide an example of what I mean.


SO on the level where you fight the tank master, its the jungle one, I'm using my rail gun and I stole a fuel rod gun from a guy who suddenly popped up just in time to kill me after I pulled out my Rail gun, proof that people wait outside of bases at certain times for those kills but unfortunately he was killed by a ghost. than the ghost went boom from the tank master... so there I am I'm actually alone shooting the tank master because my team was focused on killing the enemy team while I chipped away his health. I am on my last shot of my rail gun and he is almost, by this time iv done nearly 80 percent of the damage , than while my rail gun is reloading my teammate gets the kill, and I seriously get no form of medal usually if you kill or assist in killing a boss you get a medal but I didn't. 


This leads me to believe the rewarding system for AI bosses is not working properly so there may be a chance that a Game winning kill may have been rewarded incorrectly to the wrong team and it cost you the game... now its just a video game and holds no real value, yet if you were playing warzone and you worked for a kill and the game decided to just give it to the other team because it was easier to process it that way would you not be a slight it ticked off. especially when you use your High level REQS. Essentially players iv noticed refuse to use there high level REQS due to various reasons.


It takes way to long to pull out a level 6 REQ after you pulled one out and got killed instantly with it.


what is the point of using it if it really is not guaranteeing the kill when the game may be randomly choosing the winner.


IF I have few amounts of those HIGH REQS wouldn't I want to try and use them when I'm seriously for sure I'm going to get the most out of it. Does anyone want to pull out a Norn fang just to only get one kill with it.


This game is unbalanced everyone knows it too and I'm not saying 343 doesn't care I just think the fact that people don't care anymore they go play the game and it frustrates them when they are on the losing end of the decision of boss kills but than celebrate when they are on the winning side so essentially I believe this game will continue to play this way and nothing will actually get done to fix the issue.


I go into Warzone knowing I have a 80% chance I'm going to lose and most likely will lose. also when I pull out a high level REQ most likely the other team have a tank waiting around the corner for me specifically because all too many times I have spawned with great weapons and got sniped or tanked.

Thus I usually have no desire to pull out such weapons in regular warzone and I am saving them for warzone firefight I feel in that mode I will get the most out of my REQS since in warzone well you can be killed almost instantly because I have been spawned literally facing the wall with my back towards the enemy in warzone.


So what re your guys thoughts on this.



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The answer is simple and not hard to figure out. In order to indeed keep things fair, you did not get credit for the kill because you and your team DID NOT contribute more than a majority of damage. Just like an MMO, you cant simply jump into a battle right before its over, land the kill shot and expect to walk away as the winner. Life doesnt work that way. And to be quite honest, what you did was extremely lame.


As for the second example involving the Tank Master, it is clearly a case of health/regeneration or improper gaging of the enwmies health. Lag can also play a part in this as it is likely that your shots didnt hit enough despite what you saw on screen.


All of this is besides the point. The point is, is that Halo 5 focuses on and rewards teamwork. You dont get more req points just because you got a medal, so outside the medal earning you closer to an unlockable, I dont see the issue here. This is the first thread I have seen with this type of issue, so unless a majority of players are just too lazy to post about it, it to me seems like an isolated incident stemming from poor connections.

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