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Ban system


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I just got banned. There is a couple problems here. 1: I can't check how long I'm banned for. 2: I got banned from suicide when I was still the most positive in the game. Falling off the map is a huge issue especially for grabbing damage boost and invisibility.



As a hardcore halo player and someone who tries every game it is extremely frustrating to be told I can't play a game when I'm trying. Suicide by fallling off a map is not something that should be banned unless it is intentional. All you need to do is put something in that checks your k/d and if it is intentional you shouldn't really have any kills. Or at least don't do it to someone who is positive in game.

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Their system for banning is a little to harsh. I've been playing Halo since the first game and never had an issue with being banned. But I was just playing a game of SWAT and out of no where I got banned for no reason. Don't know why or how, the game was extremely laggy and it was not going well for anyone and I randomly got a black screen and was banned from playing area. Don't know how long or even what for on that matter.


They need to lighten up the ban system a little and give us a time for how long if someone does get banned. 

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Your first ban shouldn't be that long, only a minute or two.

But I agree that if they make it hard to get to a power-up (DMG boost on Orion) they shouldn't ban you for not reaching it everytime. The bans are a little harsh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've died attempting to get power ups more than once and not been banned. I think the ban system should stay in effect and those that quit repeatedly should have harsher punishments. I understand lagging out on occasion, but I just had about 7/10 games where people quit and it's detrimental to both sides. One team is handicapped and the games take much longer. The players that are still in the match are also stuck, sometimes playing 4 on 1, running around in a boring game for 12 minutes. Bring down the banhammer on quitters!

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The ban system is a bit harsh.  seems my isp is having some issues today  keep getting drop from multi play, its not like i quite or committed sucide, just lost network connection to game server.   after looking at how i can get to everything elseon internet looks like it may not be my isp, but something between me and game server.  

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