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Halo MCC Ranking problem?

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Mostly, it's a population problem. While the game tries its best to match people of a similar skill rating, it only has a fairly small pool of players to work with at any given time, and of course it has to strike a balance between getting you into an even match, and getting you into a match quickly. When you consider the fairly low number of people playing the MCC to begin with, the different regions and nations they're playing in, the variable compatibilities of their internet connections, and the fact that each playlist tracks skill individually, it's very possible that while you search, there are only nine or ten players of your rank who you could actually be matched up with on a decent connection - and of course, half of those are probably already in a game anyway.


The best thing you can really do is try and get into a customs lobby with people of a roughly equal skill level. If this is something you'd like to try, why not have a look at our Game Invitations forum, and see who else is hosting a lobby, or start one of your own?

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  • 3 months later...

I'm a 15 and play nothing but 22-27's and it keeps me from ranking up bc i dont even get to fire my battle rifle before im spawn killed. id like to play rank, but there is no real reason to anymore.


i jump back on Bungie's Halo 3 server on 360 and ranking is perfect and evenly matched.


Its on 343's side i feel.

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