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My My 5 problems in mcc

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1. Unable to get a game in MM with a teammate otherwise we are on different teams

2. Shots don't register in any h2 and h2a maps (unless in custom)

3. Unable to join friends by saying cant connect to host

4. Not enough weapons on the map

5. Uneven teams I play against 7 people when I have 2 other teammates

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1. Unable to get a game in MM with a teammate otherwise we are on different teams

2. Shots don't register in any h2 and h2a maps (unless in custom)

3. Unable to join friends by saying cant connect to host

4. Not enough weapons on the map

5. Uneven teams I play against 7 people when I have 2 other teammates


  1. This is being worked on by 343i, no eta on when that's fixed.
  2. That could be connection issues, I'm having fine registration myself. Against that will be fixed by 343i and MS.
  3. Have all players quit the game and rejoin, that should fix the issue.
  4. The weapons on the map are the same as what the originals had. That's not an issue.
  5. This is a big thing that 343i are trying to fix, I myself had a game when it was a 1v4, wasn't fun.

Hopefully that answers some questions.

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I'm still having trouble with joining even with them quitting I always restart my xbox and router but that never fixes the joining. And if their is no br I'm always at a disadvantage with close quarters even if I shoot first and I thought the shot registration  was always 100% on the target at 60 fps even if they have bad internet (stupid of me to think that at the time).

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Well there's going to be a fix for that very soon, if not very soon then it has already been released. I'd recommend going on to your Xbox One and doing that update when it's released (if it hasn't already been released). It fixes a lot of game breaking bugs I believe :D!

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