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Coops Review/Suggestions

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Function: Used to buy stuff.

Review: Credits were definitely a needed addition to the game. The ability to save up some kind of monetary unit and buy stuff is always a

good way to go when you want to allow people to be entertained for longer periods of time.

Halo 4 changes: Credit cap. You reward people for playing but when they play for 'too' long then you take it away. Don't know why it's there but it must go. I know people that just get off when they reach their credit cap.


Armor shop

Function: Visor colors, shoulders, helmets, voices for Firefight and much more.

Review: The armor shop was my favorite part of my new toy when I bought Reach the night it came out. It's awesome to customize stuff in a

videogame for all your friends to see and It's cool to see the expensive helmets on an experienced player and think "oh boy, I want one


Halo 4 changes: MORE. More helmets, more colors, more armor effects! Add some boot customizations! Let your spartan standin in the little

window wield a rocket launcher for chief sakes! Cmon lower the little Anti-COD wall and let us have some weapon attachments. Silencers,

different sniper scopes perhaps, bigger clips, the list goes on.


Armor abilities

Function: New to Reach. Jetpack, dive, camo, armor lock, useless little bubble thing, and sprint.

Review: I will go ahead and go into the best detail I can of why each and every armor ability should be removed.

Jetpack: Something that should only be used as a 'fun' campaign kinda thing. It makes the ramps and walkways we work so hard to build,

useless. It's incredibly annoying when you're walkin around on Boardwalk and you get shot but by the time you figure out that they're 100

feet in the air and 300 yards away, you're dead. It could potentially be made useful as purely a jumping tool. Little slow lifts that get

you farther than if you had just jumped. This little effect isn't overpowered, yet it alters the battle situations.

Dive: Diving is not a horrible ability. It's a simple move that definitely makes it hard to hit you as well as gets you somewhere quicker.

I would like to see it as more of a temporary upgrade perhaps in Halo 4, or it could be removed completely. I don't think it'd be missed.

Camouflage: I don't know about you but I really miss Halo 3 camo and overshield upgrades. Bring back the old camo. This one blows.

Armor lock: Oh don't get me started on armor lock. The fact that they even went through the trouble to make a new medal for people who

successfully use armor lock just boggles my mind. It's a cheap and skilless way to get out of a jam or to avoid a very accurate rocket. I

think if you wanted to make some sort of impenetrable ability in Halo it should be something that could be used once a game or something.

This could possibly be a good start to gathering ideas for Special armor upgrades. It could act like overshield, only temporarily

permanent. It renders you gunless, and gives you a boost of speed while you run away like a coward.

Hologram: Hologram's are a decent ability. It actually takes some skill to be able to trick some of the best players out there, and I've definitely see some people that are rediculous with their holograms lol. If they were to put holograms back into Halo 4, I would suggest making it a special ability of some kind, or an upgrade like overshield which is temporary. Also since it would be temporary, it could be made to be smart and act as if a player is shooting at a specific player but only shooting blanks. That way it'd be guaranteed to get the other teams attention and let you slip in through the back.

Bubble: I don't know why this thing exists. I never use it and when I do it's in some stupid custom game. Either remove it or somehow

bring the Halo 3 bubble back.

Sprint: Love the sprint. I like how you can have a strategic advantage if you listen very carefully. And I like how it's an open debate

when your chasing someone as to whether you should sprint and risk them hearing you or if you should walk and risk them getting killed or

turning around. Remove it as an ability though and just make it a normal button for everyone. Running isn't annoying, it's just very freakin




Function: Replaced the BR in Reach

Review: I gotta admit I was a little stoked to try somethin new when Reach came out. I had been an avid MLG player in H3 but was

interested in becoming good at this new gun. But as time went on I lost my kibbles for the DMR and now I'm top 5 in snipers. I also have

to admit when the zero bloom gametype was released, I was much more interested in DMRing. I played like four of those customs in a row. So

I think if the DMR had more of a firing system like the BR, it'd be a more frequently used gun for me.

Halo 4 changes: I don't really mind if you make changes to the DMR or bring back the BR, I just suggest you don't put a rediculous

bloom system on there.



Function: Used as an interpretation of the guns reduction in accuracy as it's fired consecutively. When the bloom is expanded, your

shots become more reckless and random. Making life difficult for some. (Me.)

Halo 4 changes: Take it out or reduce it drastically. The BR was SUCH a fun gun. Use the old system or something close to it, people

really miss it!


Ranking System

Function: The 1-50 numbered system in H3 was replaced with just titles and emblems that changes as you progress in Reach.

Review: I didn't like the thought of not being able to get a 50 in reach. And I still am not that pleased about it quite frankly. Although the Reach system isn't all that bad.

It gets rid of the pesky booster problem that honestly started to ruin Halo 3. I miss earning ranks but I don't want boosters. There's got to be a solution to this.

Halo 4 changes: First of all it shouldn't be easy at all to get a 50, this is something you guys learned eventually in Halo

3. But I'm talking real slow rank progression and do NOT make it just on games won. That is a failure from the get-go. The next ranking

system has to be SMART. It has to calculate win percentage, kills per game, medals per game, kill/death ratio over time, etc etc. There

are websites with these kinds of ranking systems. If they can do it, coders that work for 343i surely can. Feel free to also include

titles for everyone similar to Reach. As well as the Halo 2 style where they use emblems for ranks 44-50. What I'm suggesting folks is a

combination of all sorts of things. But the main deal is that they make a smart numbered ranking system that's not so relient on games



Quitting/Ban regulations/Votes to kick players

Review: Alright this seems to happen all the time. Where I go in with a full team in team snipes and beat people so badly and so quickly that everyone leaves but one person lol. Now are these games really that necessary to be carried on for the full 12 minutes that they give you? These games can be boring and downright tasty if you leave to make a snack. I propose a new system be unveiled in Halo 4 matchmaking games. A much more sophisticated banning and quitting system than they have now. At the moment if you quit a certain number of games in a certain amount of time, you get banned. And if you quit again within 3 days or so of getting banned, you'll get banned again. It's an awesome system really...couldn't tell you how many times I've been banned from just losing my internet from a storm or something lol.

Halo 4 changes: First of all, set up a banning system that distinguishes different situations. Like if you're losing by over 20 points and quit, you won't be effected. Now the ban is a nice touch. It encourages people to not quit and leave their players behind. But when you're getting beat bad enough, there's no point to stay and there's nothing you can do to save your team. I also suggest lessening the time between getting banned again after already being banned. For instance after only like 12 hours it should reset itself. There's no point in leaving your players hopeless when they were banned the day before for losing internet to weather and now their losing 47-4 and can't quit because they know will be banned again. It's just a little flawed.

Also a big thing I wanted to include was giving people the ability to boot players if the games moving too slowly. Now there's a whole thread on this in the Halo: Reach section but I wanted to put my own spin on it.

Votekick System:

Opposite team:

Once three of the four people quit in a game, the remaining time on the timer is replaced with a two-minute timer. (Unless there is already less than two minutes to play obviously.) Then, the player has those two minutes to bring the game back into his/her favor. If he/she can bring the game to within 3 kills difference, the two-minute timer is replaced with the original timer (subtract the time that ran down on the two-minute timer from the original time.) If the game is within 3 kills right as three of the four people quit, then the two-minute timer will not be displayed until he/she is losing by more than 3 kills. If the player cannot bring the game close and the two-minute timer instead runs out, then the game ends peacefully without wasting six+ minutes of each players' time.


Same team:

This happens to me a lot, where I get a teammate that betrays me twice and knows that if they betray me a third time they will get booted. So they just make me one shot everytime I heal and make the game impossible and downright annoying. Lol. Well I think there should be a system where if a player betrays twice in the same game, then players on the team get the option to vote the player out of the game. There's no use in waiting for a third betrayel. Same with suicides. If one player commits suicide more than twice than the players on his/her team should be able to vote them out. There's never been a successful way to get rid of those pesky boosters/a-holes.


Beam Rifle

Function: Halo 3 secondary sniper rifle option

Review: I used to love playing Team Snipers in H3 and be able to switch snipers when I'm out of bullets or get overcharged. I think it adds a bit of excitement to Snipers as well as the game itself because it's just such a cool weapon.

Halo 4 changes: Bring that baby back. I can just see that newly designed Beam Rifle in my hands next christmas right now. It can and should happen. Kthnxbai.



I plan on adding more ideas shortly.

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i agree with the ranking. players can still level up without having to possess any sort of skill. i think the credit system is good for armor unlocks, but not for ranking. even if you go 1-30 you still get credits for completion. i think halo 4's ranking system should be more like halo 3.

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Yeah but that doesn't mean they CAN change it.

The game isn't released for a year. That's plenty of time to whip up an algorithm for the ranking system and to test it


i agree with the ranking. players can still level up without having to possess any sort of skill. i think the credit system is good for armor unlocks, but not for ranking. even if you go 1-30 you still get credits for completion. i think halo 4's ranking system should be more like halo 3.

That's true. There just needs to be a way to distinguish a persons skill with one number and have it be accurate. There were so many 50's in Halo 2 and 3 that didn't deserve it. And Reach ranks mean absolutely nothing when it comes to skill. So I really hope they change it

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man that would be so embarrassing to get booted from a game from sucking too much lol. but ya it would def help. i cannot stand when there is one guy left and he just starts jumping off the map to piss people off on the other team. some people might not get that idea too much if they arent good enough to make people quit games lol.

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Yea, the fact that there's people out there that jump off the map for 12 minutes straight really grinds my gears. I can't tell you how many times I've teabagged the kid yelling "Just QUIT!!"


I know life is tough but that's why we invented videogames. To make it easier. So why do things on Halo have to be difficult!!


Edit: I added in a suggestion for the Beam Rifle in the main post

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