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What is all the fuss over a stupid rank?


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I would dominate you at H12&3. Quit pretending like you're a part of the silent majority that played the earlier halo's and yet has no complaints about H4.  Most people who played the first 3 religiously like I did share my opinion. 


I would dominate you at H12&3. Quit pretending like you're a part of the silent majority that played the earlier halo's and yet has no complaints about H4.  Most people who played the first 3 religiously like I did share my opinion


You know, I hate stuff like this. Just casually dismissing anyone who disagrees with you and saying that it's because they didn't play the previous games. As though everyone who played the original trilogy of games has the exact same bloody opinions.


Plenty of people who played the first three games are happy with Halo 4. Plenty of people who've never touched those aren't happy with the newest instalment. As a very longtime fan of the Halo series, the thing that irritates me most is when other people claim to speak on my behalf if they don't share my opinion, or dismiss my affection for the series just because of that conflict.

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I would dominate you at H12&3. Quit pretending like you're a part of the silent majority that played the earlier halo's and yet has no complaints about H4.  Most people who played the first 3 religiously like I did share my opinion. 


Even better! Boast about how amazing you are to someone you've never met and have never played against and totally miss the point by conflating skill with analytical. And frankly, I don't give a toss what you claim anyone else thinks. Speak for yourself and let other people come to agree, or shut up. I'm sick of being told by strangers what I'm allowed to believe in because of what I've played. I like Halo 4: you don't, that's fine. But don't put your opinion in the mouths of others.

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I would dominate you at H12&3. Quit pretending like you're a part of the silent majority that played the earlier halo's and yet has no complaints about H4.  Most people who played the first 3 religiously like I did share my opinion. 

we gots a tuffie here guys.

Edited by TornadoFlame
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