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There are a few things about halo 4 that I really don't care for that make me not want to play it. It is sad to me bc I've always been an avid halo fan since playing the 1st one online & the 2nd on Xbox live. This list are things that'd make my experience better & make me want to play. As of now, I only play for my friends. I know not everyone will agree which is fine. If you disagree please be respectful as this is a forum where we all get to voice our thots & opinions.


1st off, I am so bored of the dmr/br/light rifle/carbine duels. Everyone gets them (exaggerated for point) & it bores me to death to get into a type of "sniping" war w/these weapons. I miss the reach days where we could vote to play w/dmr's or not. It makes other guns like the machine type guns less viable as an option bc if you don't pick a range weapon then you will get picked off. Maybe make them not a load out option or make the machine type guns more accurate & more range. This repetition is the biggest reason i do not want to play halo 4 MP. Which brings me to my next point...


Give the storm rifle/assault rifle/light suppressor more range & the ability to scope. It'd be nice to have more options in weapons. I personally like machine gun types but in halo they are not accurate, have a wide shot spread (good for close range but that limits it severely), no accuracy, no range & no scope for that range. It'd be nice to have the full auto guns be used more to break up the monotony of the monotone dmr/br use (& abuse). Like make the full autos have a scope & when scoped they fire more accurately w/a tighter shot spread & w/a lil range (having the accuracy drop off at a certain point makes sense to me). Then leave the current big shot spread for when not scoped. This would make me very happy.


As for tweaks, the hard light shield has a momentary lag when used & dropped leaving the user open to attack for a second or two. I'd like to see this removed so the HL shield could be used for combos when in close combat or timing instances. As of now, IMHO, it's cool but not really worth using for my fast paced play style & the play style that is halo.


For buffs I'd like to see the jet pack & thruster packs tweaked. The jet pack feels like it has no power & takes forever to launch. Isn't this Sci Fi? Where is the power & thrill? The jet pack should be able to jet pack a wart hog right? Make it more powerful & launch faster.


The thruster pack too needs a buff. Why only one, short thrust before it has to recharge before usage again? Why not one long one that can be divided into two medium thrusts & then 3 short, small sidestep thrusts? These buffs would make my day as well as keep the game play fast. This is what, as a gamer, i am looking for. Thanks.

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Give the storm rifle/assault rifle/light suppressor more range & the ability to scope. It'd be nice to have more options in weapons. I personally like machine gun types but in halo they are not accurate, have a wide shot spread (good for close range but that limits it severely), no accuracy, no range & no scope for that range. It'd be nice to have the full auto guns be used more to break up the monotony of the monotone dmr/br use (& abuse). Like make the full autos have a scope & when scoped they fire more accurately w/a tighter shot spread & w/a lil range (having the accuracy drop off at a certain point makes sense to me). Then leave the current big shot spread for when not scoped. This would make me very happy.

Did you even think this through? If the AR had range and a scope, what the hell would be the point of long range precision weapons? It sounds like you just don't like aiming and are tired of getting killed because the other guy out-DMRed you. I would suggest actually practicing and getting better rather than spewing your nonsense on the internet for everyone else to laugh at.

As for tweaks, the hard light shield has a momentary lag when used & dropped leaving the user open to attack for a second or two. I'd like to see this removed so the HL shield could be used for combos when in close combat or timing instances. As of now, IMHO, it's cool but not really worth using for my fast paced play style & the play style that is halo.



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Get better? I typically out score everyone or are in the top 3.


A few of you are acting like your shoe sizes & not your ages.


I said this was for me. Respectfully. 343 did an outstanding job. Just the borefest dmr battles push me away from playing. Also I'd like to see smaller, non-circular maps. Sorry for the amp amp. Idk how that happened. I wasn't going to edit all of them out tho.



Did you even think this through? If the AR had range and a scope, what the hell would be the point of long range precision weapons? It sounds like you just don't like aiming and are tired of getting killed because the other guy out-DMRed you. I would suggest actually practicing and getting better rather than spewing your nonsense on the internet for everyone else to laugh at.




How old are u cub? U act pretty immature. Leave it to the internet tough guys that have no intellectual ability to inject their own ignorant assertions into a thought through subject. Try reading & understanding first before adding your babble as I already answered your silly comment about the range distance of scoped full autos. Real life, modern full autos do have an effective range you know. Not long range (duhh) but a medium to moderate range. This is a future Sci fi based game too right? Weapons should be further along right? Stop being a butt.

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as for precision duals being way too common, yes they are, but changing machine gun type weapons the way you said makes no sence and is not the way to go. they need to outdamage precision weapons at close range, and that is all. sadly they are merely on par at best in actual use....


as for the hard light shield, jetpack, and thruster pack, heck yeah these need minor adjustments. the hardlight shield, for one, is made of, you guessed it, LIGHT, which in no way weighs as much as one of them 50 cal's. thus, it should not empede movement the way it currently does, IMO.


the jetpack could use a little more liftoff, but i don't feel it is strongly needed.


as for the thruster pack, when you compare normal moving speed with thruster moving speed, they seem nearly identical. i think it should give ya that added bit of, you know, thrust. the only thing i find it useful for currently is changing direction in midair. that is rarely useful, however.

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as for precision duals being way too common, yes they are, but changing machine gun type weapons the way you said makes no sence and is not the way to go. they need to outdamage precision weapons at close range, and that is all. sadly they are merely on par at best in actual use....

Why does it make no sense? You can zoom in w/an ar equipped just not scope in w/an ar & use it while staying scoped. If they changed that & made the bullet spread close to what the saw's spread is while scoped & left the default set wide bullet spread as it is when unscoped I'd be very happy. It's a bit unrealistic to not scope w/a full auto weapon. Heck, give us choices. Give us a red dot, a 3x or even a 4x scope. I'd be happy w/just a 3x zoom. The fact the dmr types have zoom & range is why mostly everyone use them & why it makes the many, many weapons available feel like there are just a few options & why playing halo feels so repetitious. They did the saw close to right now make the others right. Open the full autos up & stop forcing me to pick a weapon i don't want just so i don't get picked off. It sucks to have to use a dmr type just to have a fighting chance.

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In Reach you might have voted for regular Slayer w/o DMRs but people still went for them, and in the gametypes when DMRs were available in a loadout people favored those loadouts. I know when I wanted a jet pack I'd get that loadout, then either grab a DMR from the map or kill someone who had one. The AR was awful in Reach, probably the worst it's ever been in any Halo game.


I agree automatic weapons need a buff, but not necessarily the buffs you suggest. I just want them to make headshots. They do enough damage to drop shields quickly now, then I want to be able to raise my reticule, stick my assault weapon in someone's face, pull the trigger and have something happen. Instead you knock their shields off then you have to plod your way through their health, which tends to just get you a lot of assists because other players are using headshot weapons. The automatic weapons would still lose to mid and long range weapons, as they should, because they lack the accuracy and have too much recoil to compete at that range. That's fair.


Overall though people will always prefer marksman rifles because they can attack at any range. How bad does it suck to run around with your AR and see some dude ahead of you, but too far ahead of you to engage him just yet? You can empty your clip getting his attention, but then he's going to turn around and you'll be at a disadvantage. That's just the plight of CQC weapons, even if they buff them to work properly, you don't attack at mid-range with a shotgun.

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