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I like how they introduced game winning killcams.


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But what I really like is how they didn't FIX THE KILLCAMS before introducing more killcams.


Seriously. The killcams are so broken its not even funny. I don't want to watch a guy shoot the wall next to me and get a kill, and I definitely don't want to watch the last kill be a guy shooting the wall next to the enemy and getting a kill. Try fixing things before you add anything next time, 343.

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But what I really like is how they didn't FIX THE KILLCAMS before introducing more killcams.


Seriously. The killcams are so broken its not even funny. I don't want to watch a guy shoot the wall next to me and get a kill, and I definitely don't want to watch the last kill be a guy shooting the wall next to the enemy and getting a kill. Try fixing things before you add anything next time, 343.


To be honest I WAS shooting the wall. o_O

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Good idea, bad execution. They should have fixed the kill cams before adding the final kill cam. But, oh well not like I watch the kill cams anyway. I've watched to many films in Halo 3 seeing a sniper shot hit a wall when I'm already passed it and still die to even care about the BS. Lag is something that will always be present and there's nothing to be done about it.

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I agree with everything in the thread. I LOVE the idea.


And to be fair, it's not as if it takes up more of your time. They just show them while you otherwise would be doing nothing. And more often than not, they're funny. I've seen a few accurate ones though.


What they should do is not shove them inbetween end game gameplay, it's awkward. You can move your spartan before and AFTER the killcam. Why not just wait and show them last. Fade to black after.


And kill me, but if they're going to lift it from CoD, some slow mo would be nice.

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Good idea, bad execution. They should have fixed the kill cams before adding the final kill cam. But, oh well not like I watch the kill cams anyway. I've watched to many films in Halo 3 seeing a sniper shot hit a wall when I'm already passed it and still die to even care about the BS. Lag is something that will always be present and there's nothing to be done about it.


Not necessarily, Call of Duty's final killcams always work okay even when the matches themselves are really laggy. I wonder if it's maybe one of the limitations of the engine, trying to show us things from our own perspectives rather than using the data directly from the perspective of the person who got the kill? It works fine in Local and LAN matches, after all.


What they should do is not shove them inbetween end game gameplay, it's awkward. You can move your spartan before and AFTER the killcam. Why not just wait and show them last. Fade to black after.


I fully agree. Game ends, a second or two of gameplay to finish whatever fight you're engaged in, final killcam, fade out.

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Yeah upon closer inspection, almost everything about them is extremely... What's the word? Unpolished.


The gameplay is inaccurate, jumpy, or sometimes not there at all.

The sound effects have an odd dampened effect at times due presumably to the music.

Grenades and other sandbox objects float there in the air.

If the killer dies, the camera awkwardly follows his first person view to the floor.

The timing of the killcam and the ability to still control your spartan is timed extremely awkwardly.

They go by a wee bit fast.

Slow mo would be nice.

They're not present in most gametypes.


But, I do like the idea of them, and prefer them in this state than not at all. Already I've been able to say to my friends, "You gotta see this kill," and sure enough, they got to see it.

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I hate killcams, I was embarrassed for 343 when I realized killcams were in this game.


I especially hate the game winning killcam because unlike all the others that I skip by respawning or changing my loadout, the game winning killcam I'm forced to watch.


It also stops me from killing people after the match is over, which I enjoy because I like winning DMR fights without a reticule, it's like teabagging without being petty. They know I won that fight, but I don't try to flaunt it or brag. I just win. I'm always disappointed when people stop moving when the match is over. I take no pleasure in killing people who don't fight back. Now though even when they DO fight back our battle is interrupted by that idiotic kill cam.


I liked it better when they didn't work.

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