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saw this, thought of you, had to post <3


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To get to the point, simply go to the end, this is something i think would be interesting


played halo since halo one, basically an every other day player since halo 2. skipped out a bit on reach, because it was awful, still played biweekly. I agree with this, i think its unfair to say that at least 90% of what is said is not true for a lot of us. Like this poor schmuck i too will continue to throw my hard earned $ at w/e halo crap microsoft game they throw at me but realistically there has to be a group of people who need to be more in charge of what gets designed not so much just have the designers themselves, come up with the maps and mechanics. The mechanics should build the game, not decide how they'll work. Let us tell you what we want, than make that lol put the entire game to a community vote if you have to. Link gold gamertags to the voting process. Sure a few ass wholes with 2 maybe sometimes 3 accounts could sneak a few votes i but no ones is going to create 10000000000000000 gold accounts to beat the system lol my point is w/e it takes. Build it, but stop deciding **** whitout even confronting us. Times have changed, i definitely feel like me purchasing something like a game at midnight release is an investment to the company way more than it is simply me buying the game from them. I could get that game much cheaper from a reseller in a month. I choose to get the midnight release as a fan of halo and to show the company that i love their game and they have my support since they design something i find value in. It just urks me that, and this is true, devs put out unfinished products that they simply can "patch up" at midnight launch, or put out a game with 5 maps and sell us 3 more a month after the game is out. Its a marketing scheme and its ignorant to think they don't do it on purpose.


i would also like to take this momment to point out i did not get my preorder code in my email like bestbuy and 343 industries by design decided i would.


The numbers within the last few days have been a little dissapointing. With the big update coming, i hope 343 maybe puts out a new commercial to bring back some of the players.


THIS IS THE END... in case you were wondering lol


do you think a commercial that showed some updates to the title to reiderate its refreshed reploished awesomeness with what i reccomend 343 does do and thats include allllllllllllll the new maps in new copies of halo 4 after the title update (to **** over the resellers i.e. gamestop, best buy, play and trade, ebay) and maybe bring back players?


I also have another general question, i dont design games... so wouldnt know, but does anyone know, how long it would actually take 343 to design a mid sized map?


also, i have high hopes for 343 and halo. I feel like bungie was slacking lol and think 343 is definitely interested in giving us what we want. Its very possible that truth be told this is their first halo game and they know whats up but it doesnt sound like they are communicating to us that they know we're hurting as fans a bit.


I'mmm going to go play now <3


343 save us!!!!!!!!!!

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343 is more then trying their hardest, yes they did fall short on the Spec Codes, but for the most part they have done their best to please us fans, but sometimes we ask Waaaaay to much and set our expectations waaay to high.

Just take comfort in the fact that Halo 5 will be even better :3

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343 is more then trying their hardest, yes they did fall short on the Spec Codes, but for the most part they have done their best to please us fans, but sometimes we ask Waaaaay to much and set our expectations waaay to high.

Just take comfort in the fact that Halo 5 will be even better :3


as awesome as halo 3 was people still had problems with it especially br bullet registration. I used to watch my bullets just hit kids in the face, smack their helmets back, and in the theater see that sometimes they would jus take it like a ******* champ and live it was ridiculous. I by all means think 343 "tried" but they definitely left key halo elements out and for what they are being paid, for the history halo has, for what we know from halo 1 to what we have now with halo 4 I can definitely say certain mechanics are catered to call of duty and casual players. Mechanics that nearly ruin the game for a competitive player, and nearly strip away some of the most important halo aspects that made it halo.

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