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Halo 4 Matchmaking Is Horrible


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Now I know there are plenty of players - fanboys or not who absolutely love the new Halo 4 format. Multiplayer is balance but here is my rant and I do sound like a bitter player here, but her it goes.

At it´s current state the multiplayer sucks more than it did in Halo 3. Now I don´t hate it but make old-school modes to veterans and fast! The new school, young players and the ones that like the so called "CoD" aspect of the new Halo 4 can keep playing theirs but what went wrong for forgetting the old-school Halo players? We are the veterans of Halo franchise and thanks to us, Halo is what it is today so why all the ignorance and abandoning of us? Hopefully they realize that they need to make Halo 4 more appealing by adding the good old old-school game modes too or most of the veterans will alienate from Halo 4 and will leave it aside, taking a huge part of the community away.


I´m old-school player and I´m proud of it.



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Now I know there are plenty of players - fanboys or not who absolutely love the new Halo 4 format. Multiplayer is balance but here is my rant and I do sound like a bitter player here, but her it goes.


At it´s current state the multiplayer sucks more than it did in Halo 3. Now I don´t hate it but make old-school modes to veterans and fast! The new school, young players and the ones that like the so called "CoD" aspect of the new Halo 4 can keep playing theirs but what went wrong for forgetting the old-school Halo players? We are the veterans of Halo franchise and thanks to us, Halo is what it is today so why all the ignorance and abandoning of us? Hopefully they realize that they need to make Halo 4 more appealing by adding the good old old-school game modes too or most of the veterans will alienate from Halo 4 and will leave it aside, taking a huge part of the community away.


I´m old-school player and I´m proud of it.




100% agree with you. 343, get it done!

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The original post does make some valid points. If you played Halo 3 and were above at least 40 then you know what is wrong with this game. The DMR is overpowered, especially at long range. This completely unbalances the game and reduces the effectiveness of the BR. In Halo 3 it took skill and time to master the BR now any little kid can pick up the controller and spam shots like no other. 343 tried to appeal to little kids and people from COD and basically ruined the multiplayer. All this game does is make me miss Halo 3. In my opinion that was the best multiplayer game I've ever played and I really hope 343 turns this game around.

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The DMR is OP. Normally I would call it a skill gun, but considering the fact that the "marksman rifle" is the most spammer friendly I have to say it needs much more bloom. It has next to none in this game even at max bloom it still hits the head far too easily. They need to balance it by adjusting the DMR or rebuffing the BR and Carbine, if you are any half decent player with the DMR you destroy with it. I just cannot see any skill involved with it considering everyone uses it and I know not everyone is skilled at Halo...

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Halo 4 matchmaking is horrible.


1. Join in Progress. I always get joined into games that are almost finished. Always I get put into the losing team, so the game ends 5 seconds later and BAM a loss in my record!


I feel you pain, this is a definite issue. I agree that sometimes join in progress seems to work against you more than helps the teams BUT let us talk this one out. In Halo 3, it always stunk when people left the game when you may have had a chance to win, or in the beginning of the game. This system is actually somewhat good (may need to be tweaked but I am not overly upset about this addition). You have to understand that 343 was trying to make multiplayer slightly more fun than before, meaning you would not auto-lose a game because you were down people against a decent team. This setting always gives a team a chance to win.


2. Team matchmaking sucks. I'm ways paired with noobs and always losing. I'd rather a team of potatoes. Without a trueskill, you can't get matched with decent players.


This is incorrect to an extent. There IS true skill in the game right now. You may not notice it because it is "Invisible" and monitored by 343's servers. This I disagree with 343 for doing. If you have a true skill ranking system YOU MUST do something like BF3 did by adding the rating in your profile so people can see and maybe not be AS upset when they may be performing underpar because of their trueskill ranking. Do you get bad teammates even with similar trueskill levels? YES, it happened in Halo 3 ALL THE TIME. YOu just have to get used to it, I remember I would play team snipers in H3 and get 30 kills and still lose when I was a lvl 45. I was matched up against and with close levels but for some reason my team mates were more than less helpful.


3. Perks are unbalanced. They are like CoD and they don't belong in Halo. If you have Resupply and Explosive perks on, you can throw nukes. It's overpowered. What kind of 'balanced' gameplay allows one player to be able to resupply grenades and the other to reload faster? They shouldn't have added perks into the game.


Okay, let's stomp this stupid comparison. COD AND HALO ARE DIFFERENT GAMES. While both games have things the others have, they are both UNIQUE. So please, when you are comparing two games support it. Put evidence as to how you think they are similar. I agree to an extent that the perks seem a little, how to put this, broken; but the perks are not. If you do not like perks go play Slayer Pro. You only have resupply and EVERYONE has it, so it is not unfair, etc, etc.


4. DMR. It's super overpowered. It's extremely good at long range and also good at short range. The Battle rifle sucks at long range and even is crap at short range. The BRs hit registration sucks so for me, I have to kill people with 8sk with the BR. The AR is super overpowered. Use it on abandon and you can kill everyone. Through past Halo games i've practiced A LOT just to be good with precision weapons to find that now noobs can kill me if they have an AR.


Completely disagree with this. Why? because every weapon in this game is balanced well. The BR is MOST effective at close to mid range while the DMR is MOST effective at mid to long range. Essentially they made it so if you are good with a weapon you can use it in any scenario. This goes for the BR, if you know how the shots work then you can use it effectively at long range. You just have to get used to how the weapons work and what their strengths and weaknesses are. I prefer using the DMR when I am on bigger maps and the BR during Infinity Slayer. This is personal preference but allows the user to CHOOSE what they feel is better in certain scenarios or maps. Have you thought maybe you are just in laggy games? If it seems to be laggy do what everyone else does and either tough it out or join another game. Simple.


5. Ranking system sucks. Doesn't prove anything other than how much of a life you don't have. (AKA play too much)


I disagree and agree. Ranking up with points or XP NEVER EVER EVER (yes lol), proves skill. However, if people choose to play games on their free-time rather than watching t.v., going to the movies, or doing something else not important then that is THEIR CHOICE, not yours not mine. If people show off their rank or w.e., ignore and move on.


6. Sprint. Feels weird in the game.


It was in Halo : Reach? lol. This is a good mechanic because they wanted the multiplayer to feel more fast paced to compete with the market. The Halo Series needed a rejuvenation after the atrocity Reach was released. They felt that they could implement this style of play to A) attract more players and B) for competitive purposes. I really do not see the issue with sprint in the game.


Reason why I dislike Halo 4. I'll still play it, only because it's the only Halo game now to play. Reach and 3 are basically dead. Thanks 343i for ruining Halo for me.


Okay, you are right Halo 3 and Reach are most definitely off the radar right now. However, you are entitled to your own opinions and as a consumer you can express your concerns, legitimately. I disagreed mostly by how you handled each of your topics and each one made me feel like you were raging more than giving an HONEST AND CONCISE assessment of your issues with the game. I think in the future, if you want to express concerns you should do it A) more maturely and B) more clear and concise. Take the time the next time you write something like this and understand where you are posting this discussion and why you are posting this discussion. Flaming and Raging on a community forum will get you no where, in fact, will get you no where with 343.


REMEMBER!: Games are undergoing something called MODERNIZATION. This is what the vast majority of gamers nowadays want, so they will receive. You honestly should give 343 time, this game came out a week ago. It is more or less unfair to expect someone to change something overnight.


Have a good day. Try BLOPS2 I heard the game was cool and had a similar feel to the only good Call of Duty, Modern Warfare 1.


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