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The very essence of competitive Halo, gone?


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Havent read the hole thread. I agree on some points and disagree on others.


They defiantly have to do something about a "ranking" system of some sort. Especially in Dubbles. Me and my friend play dubbles alot. Don't want to brag or anything but we are kind of good in it. The problem is when we are match with with two guys playing splitscreen and has played like 10 games in reach total. The score will end something near to 25-0 unless they quit before the game ends with happens most of the time. This is not fun to either one of us in the game. For us with more experience its just a wast of time with no challenge at all. For the beginners they don't stand a chance and no fun for them either.


Somehow they need to implement a "ranking" system that won't let us play against these kind of beginners. The most fun matches we played is these games when the scores is tied through the entire game due to similar skills and experience to the game.


Have fun!

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Halo 4 is doing very well so far, both in casual and competitive gameplay. Its faster,smoother and much more responsive then reach. We should have many years of Fun with Halo 4 and we can expect any improvements needed, to be made in Halo 5. so dont fret, things will go quite swell.

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Somebody else sees my point. Reach was absolutely the worst halo imaginable. It seems as the halo series progresses, it gets more and more like call of duty. I played halo Because it was different and for the challenge of ranking up to a 50 and playing against people around my rank and skill. It doesn't take skill anymore to rank up. For some reason it was thrown out in exchange for a ranking system that depended on how much you play. A level 20 in halo 3 could become the highest level in reach just because they have no life instead of being good at the game. Absolutely nothing should be taken from reach and put in halo 4. Now I hear you get coins or exp to buy guns and attachment!?! Are you kidding me. And to think I got so excited to hear it was taking after halo 3 but now I find out it's just a call of duty and reach mix. I hope this game isn't a bust like reach.

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I recall someone at some point saying that there will be a rank that is visible to everyone online (let's call this A1-A50), then you will have a personal rank that is only visible to you, based on skill (this can be B1-B50).


This would mean that you will be placed into matchmaking games via your personal, secret rank B1-B50, and not based on your progressive rank A1-A50. Everyone would then know that the face-value rank A1-A50 does not regard your skill-level, but only how many weapons, grenades, and abilities you have unlocked via Spartan Points, or what have you


I think this is a great idea because if you have a personal rank of B50, then you know already know yourself that you are a great player and you'll be playing with/against players of equal skill. Also, boosting isn't encouraged because you're the only one that can see your B rank.


I.E. A frat house in college. Multiple bros will constantly be playing (ranking them up to A50 quickly and unlocking everything), but their B rank will be low since they'll be hammered off of Natty Light and Vlad all day :fun: :laughing: :fun:

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im tired of playing mlg in halo reach and having that one kid who goes negative 15 and then quits out every single game and i lose because of it. in halo 2 or 3 that never happened because everyone wanted to be a 50 because that showed that you would were good enough to get to the highest rank. giving a reason for people to try to win.


Keep credits for buying equipment and then add a 1 - 50 Number System based on Winning / Losing for the competitive players such as myself. i have a 50 in MLG, Slayer , Doubles and Lone Wolves and i personally have stopped playing reach and started playing halo 3 again just so i can play with and against people who know how to play the game. The only way for everyone to be happy is to meet in the middle and do both


The only people who dont want the number system are the people who get upset because they feel that they are better than that their rank show and the people who dont actually see what it does. it make it so you play games that keep you interested.I want to actually play games with people who challenge my skill to make me improve as a player. i go into reach play 4 kids with gamertags MASTERCHIEF213423 who dont even know how to shoot and run at the same time which is boring.


i know my opinion doesnt matter and im probably about to have abunch of nerds who cant get passed a 25 in team slayer in halo 3 which is the easiest playlist of all time to get a 50 and then the kids who have never gotten Puszy before and are nerdy as Fuukk come at me and say im stupid but they dont realize how retarded and boring it is to play matchmaking for competitive players.



FACT : People who are GOOD want the ranking system

People who are BAD and are embarrassed that they cant get a 50 dont want it

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The only people who dont want the number system are the people who get upset because they feel that they are better than that their rank show and the people who dont actually see what it does. it make it so you play games that keep you interested.I want to actually play games with people who challenge my skill to make me improve as a player. i go into reach play 4 kids with gamertags MASTERCHIEF213423 who dont even know how to shoot and run at the same time which is boring.


Play Reach Arena. People start getting really good when you finally earn your rank and get placed into games with players of equal skill. I've earned a rank of Onyx and the players are exceptional (of course I can keep up, but they're tough).

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