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Posts posted by SHAMAZING T4CO

  1. TRuthfully halo 3 was alot more fun then reach. Reach did bring some stuff to the table like better forge and better vehicles, but if you stop and look reach is more kid friendly. About every weapon now has twice the damage and now if your getting killed "woosh" armor lock and then guess what! The armor locker comes out and kills you. Also most maps just revolve around jetpack which means you barely get to use other AA's other then the armor-locking noobs. Also now with new ways to get cheap kills *cough* plasma launcher *caugh* you can just spam away and send four tracking plasma grenades at your opponent. Also dont even get me started on spawning. The rare times you spawn away from enemies your about 3 minutes away from the battlefield. Oh and dont even think about infection..... People just camp and get Cr for sitting and shooting shieldsless people with shotguns... yeah thats fair....

    [END RANT]

  2. As someone above said, when flames were limited to IOS, I said I was a bungie employee looking for kids to give recon to, i made them join a match and kill themselves 20 times to "get" blue flames. They fell for it and there K/D ratio suffered, SIlly kids, flamings for bungie!

  3. I havent played the original halo in awhile so i may be wrong, but it seems Sgt. Johnson shows up a lot more in anniversary. Like nearly every level where marines are featured, he seems to be there. And once I even encountered him twice in one mission. Its somewhat humorous because you'll be staring at his body and all the sudden the second one will yell "shotgun" and jump in the hog'. So just wanted to ask you people that remember, was he that common in the original?

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