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Prophets Bane

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Everything posted by Prophets Bane

  1. here, this is an 86 page long thread talking about this issue: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/forums/e0d9938206f04a598ce84f2c8cadce02/topics/warzone-dont-work-south-ameria-africa-australia/06223e76-9c6e-45fe-af01-fb00160803b0/posts?page=86 i will still give my opinion: since the 27th of october, the times i was able to get a match at halo 5 multiplayer´s were few to none, afteer looking unsuccessfully for players (1/4 looking for spartans) for 5 minutes it displays a message saying "unable to match - there may not enough players to support this play list" ITS BEEN MORE THAN A MONTH, PLEASE 343I, PLEASE, WE AT SOUTH AMERICA WANT TO PLAY HALO´S MULTIPLAYER TOO!
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