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Posts posted by ValentineF

  1. SO i was Blamming around on a player skin chat for h4 when AbsoluteDog mentioned i should make a topic about it. the Flood are the ultimate infection parasite. it would make for a good infection varaint do to thier differant speeds. now in my opinion maybe we can start off as spores taking our enemy by suprise and then taking over thier dead bodies for our own. would make gameplay different from anyother game out there what do you think?

  2. Are you crazy? Chief with armor ablites is like Halo without Chief altogether. Some Armor ablitites should be kept though.

    The following make sence in the Halo universe:

    Jet pack, it is good and it is often used by brutes.

    Drop shield, needs to be like a bubble shield, like in the trailers and Halo: Legends\

    Active Camo, it was used by the Elites and should be kept.\

    Jackal Shield. Can be used with single-handed weapons.




    i think that if jackal shields were used as a Loadout no other loadout would be used. now as a doulwield type weapon (look up dualwields in H4 on this forum) it would work better. it would basically be a plasma pistol without the shots, and the energy would decay like a drop shield when shot

  3. Halo: CE in my opinion had the best campaign. Even though the graphics don't compare to todays (They were amazing for back then), it was still endless fun. The Campaign was so replayable because it was so fun. I can't wait for this to come out, this was definately the best Halo game made. Let's see if Halo 4 can compare to it.

    Just replayed the whole CE campaign and you know what who cares about old graphics and new! its the content that matters and lets face it Campaign of a decade!? I'LL MAKE SURE MY GRANDKIDS ARE PLAYING HALO!

  4. from what i understand theres a major time lapse? maybe the UNSC are back up and fully running? who knows. but heres what i posted on a forum for agreeing with AA's in 4

    "i think instead of AA's as loudouts give us 10 seconds before match to change up our weapons. like instead of starting with an AR and Pistol, let me switch it to a BR/DMR and shotgun. as long as you cant choose heavy weapons like RL off the get go and make it balanced i think that would be better than AA's "

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  5. i think instead of AA's as loudouts give us 10 seconds before match to change up our weapons. like instead of starting with an AR and Pistol, let me switch it to a BR/DMR and shotgun. as long as you cant choose heavy weapons like RL off the get go and make it balanced i think that would be better than AA's

  6. I forget the name, but go to the part where you exit the cave in a Scorpion and acquire a sniper and pop heads from a mile away! Man I love that part.

    OH YEA! I love that part! I just did silent cartogropher (HTF its spelt) on heroic and had my blam handed to me and once i completed the level i thought to myself "This is how halo should be. You know i remember your post on AA's and your right. I forgot what halo was all about. starting on equal plane and grabbing the advantage. granted during campaign that wasnt the issue. it was starting look Kicking BLAM and taking names. 343 better not let us down on CEA.

  7. I am much more interested in the actual game as it relates to the trilogy before it. I never liked playing as an Elite, even in H3. To me the game was, and is, about the Spartans and their fight with the Covenant. Yes I know the story line, and if they do include the option of other playable Covenant it will not ruin the game for me, but not the Flood. They were the common enemy.


    With that said, I just want a game that will not be some major departure from the series, something that will continue with what was given us in the past.

    agreed, i think playing as the flood as an INFECTION option would be cool...just not as an actual player. It would throw EVERYONE off.

  8. Forge Skins: (assuming its in H4)

    Add some diversity to forge and maybe when I press up on the D-pad i'll float around as an Engineer (Huragok) or maybe as I drop a tank on my friend the last thing he sees is a Drone flying away. just give us something different than a cyclopes orb. maybe even give Penitive tangent a chance to return as a skin.



    Plz for the love of Halo have the Arbiter's Armor in H4. I've been dying to wear it outside campaign. when I die and wait to respawn I'd like to see that heroic mask on my body. Also add customization to the Elites. Dont be like Reach and make me pick and choose my helmet over everything else. But colaborate ALL the armor from all the games. Maybe even have two different types of elites. Have reach elites and H3 elites. Mix things up!

    I agree i've been waiting and praying that the roumors i heard for Reach DLC for elites would be true! I love the elites character backround and their strength at times is just Gruesome. You try and survive 2 hour's on legendary in lonewolf. its scary! i love the arbiter and i want to see that skin back! even the traditional arbiter armor!

  9. in H3 i felt kinda depressed listening to the music. Me and my brothers agreed to decide on where we're going in the game and what we are doing as to get away from the sad music. now we liked the feel of the music in H2 and CE but H3 just made us sad everytime. The reach menu music is quite annoying actually, i find myself whisteling it in the middle of gameplay. which than makes me rage XD

  10. The only real things that should be added are more textures for pieces, more forge world environments like snow, desert, etc. or night time as an option for groups of objects. I would also love to have a copy/paste option and especially a mirror option for pieces seeing as not all are symmetrical.

    YEa i forgot about mentioning enviormental configuration access for us. make everything so much easier and fun to play with :D

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