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  1. I wasn't aware of there ending but I would like to see a BALANCED true to earth odst game that deals with the BACKSTORY behind Alpha Nine.
  2. i agree with what you are saying that in the game it wasnt shown as well but to compare to a ODST a spartan has WAY BETTER AMOUR "Each suit alone costs as much as a small starship." while yes an ODST armour is made up of titanium and smiliar on the inside but a spartans armour can resist an emp, also it enhances its wearer's abilities.The Spartain's armor line is named for the mythical weapon Mjölnir, the hammer of Thor... yea i think spartain amour is a tad bit better...
  3. I was thinking about how much I loved the feeling of playing an ODST in New Mombasa during halo 3 ODST, you didn't feel so overpowered as you do with Master Cheif and I think that is FANTASTIC. I felt that the story line had kept me on my toes and no other Halo game has done that since Halo one.The flashbacks really gave it that Alone yet not alone feeling which keeping me wanting to play to figure out what happened to my squadmembers. I had a special connection with these charectors and they where only in one halo game! That brings me to Lance Corporal "Rookie" aka John Doe. His past life with his incounters on reach would make a great game mixxed in with the backstory behind all the other sqaudmembers: Captain Veronica Dare, Gunnery Sergeant Edward Buck, Corporal Taylor H. "Dutch" Miles, Lance Corporal Kojo "Romeo" Agu, Private First Class Michael "Mickey" Crespo(Alpha Nine). These stories gives me a flicker of hope that someday a game will be made about these event and hopefully in the near future. It has been to long since we have gotton to play as the ODST (2009 to be presice), and in the regular Halo games we look at these guys as expendable soldiers ,but these guys and gals where the best of the best, considered the Navy Seals of today. Halo needs a little break from playing the "DEMON" once and awhile and i think it would be a great idea to introduce another HALO ODST. PLEASE 343 consider making another ODST game!! Thank you for reading, Bloomer1338
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