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  1. I want to hold two god damn weapons, why this wasn't in halo 4 baffles me. And I want the original rocket launcher. Not some generic looking garbage out of an average army game. Why 343 would remove a classic legendary weapon with some different looking one is insane. I get that they want to try new things and innovate but this is not the way to do it. Stop trying to fix things that aren't broken. Add some good stuff and remove the bad. Actually make a halo game that can actually be considered on par with halos 1-3, Im not just here to complain about 343's lack of imagination of the fact that they are ruining a game that we love but they are turning halo into some call of duty bull****. This isn't a generic shooter where you run, choose classes and rush out into the battlefield, wheres the skill where is the strategic map layouts that determine the outcome of the game. Don't copy and paste maps that look the same on both ends. add a god damn waterfall or something that makes the map unique and memorable. The halo 5 story line looks very interesting and going in the right direction, and for gods sake STOP MAKING ALL THE ARMOR LOOK STUPID. EVERY SPARTAN ARMOR LOOKS LIKE GARBAGE. 343 points no thought into the armor half the time, please improve. And your sound tracks could sound a lot more badass in the campaign and in the main menu. I want to feel like im actually there, I want to hear guitar riffs or some ancient legendary battle music, something that pulls the player in and says yes i am the hero and i will save humanity. i am praying 343 makes a good game and i am wrong i hope i am. And I hope they don't make this game into some ****ty generic first person shooter. It's a halo game, it's not call of duty. Not saying cod is bad, just that there's a huge difference in game titles. 343 has to stop trying to compete with modern shooters and just focus on the halo universe. Because at the end of the day halo is gonna be the mascot of xbox, it always will be but if they turn halo into some average generic shooter then why would i come back. halo needs to stand out and be different thats what drew people in the gameplay and story telling.
  2. Welcome to the Community MoreBloodMaster :welcome:

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