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Not impressed

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    not impressed

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello everyone, I just wanted to introduce myself and give a give my opinion about MCC. I have been an avid halo player for decades and when word came around that 343 was taking over the Halo franchise my initial thought was "there goes the neighborhood..." I was trying to decide if I wanted to get MCC but I wasn't convinced that 343 could pull it off. Now that MCC is out and I am hearing nothing but complaints about the match making problems, I know I made the right decision by not getting the game. The fact that it takes 45 minutes - 3 hours to find a match is unacceptable. Seriously... hours to find a match? Thanks for proving a point 343, that you weren't ready to take on a decade long francise and improve it... Just run it into the ground. Since Destiny (sorry, you knew this was coming) came out I haven't looked back at the halo franchise and couldn't be happier. Sure, it's not perfect and Bungie has never claimed to be.... but it's a hell of a lot better on the first day of game play then MCC was. But I guess I shouldn't really be surprised... no really... after all, look at their website. If they can't even code a decent website how can we expect them to make a game in the 21st century. The website looks like it was designed by a three year old in the 90's. Do you use Motorola flip phones? Carry pagers around too? Are you stuck using 386DX 33MHz computers? It's been like this for years and they couldn't be bothered to make a professional website which reflects their passion, their dreams their skill sets. That's ok 343... just keep re-doing/re-vamping other people's accomplishments... I'm sure one day you'll figure out how to make your own game... and if we are lucky you may also figure out how to use Adobe Dreamweaver too... Sincerely, Not impressed... /flame on...
  2. Welcome to the Community Not impressed :welcome:

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