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Everything posted by FrozenSun

  1. I'm writing this as I'm waiting in matchmaking. I've been waiting over an hour now with not even getting into one game. I finally did get into 3 games last night after not getting in the first 2 days. Besides the matchmaking frustrations that have been clearly expressed by everyone here, I wanted to mention another issue, at least for me. That is the controls. You gave us an option to choose a certain version of Halo's controls for all games but this doesn't work. It is completely frustrating when the game goes from a Halo 2 map to a Halo 3 map and you have to rethink how to move. The 3 games I got into last night were completely frustrating trying to switch back and forth while jumping into settings mid game trying to figure out what was happening only to realize the settings weren't staying the way I set them but defaulting to each maps original control types. Needless to say, I am with everyone else about returning this game. This makes me truly sad as I have been playing Halo from the beginning and ALL of my Xbox purchases were driven by new versions of Halo. At best, I will shelf this game for a few months and pray that you guys eventually fix it. I definitely will NOT be buying Halo 5 until after it has been established as not being botched like MCC.
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