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Everything posted by Decree117

  2. what do you mean a basic?
  3. Hey I posted that haha. We have the right to "whine" because of what reach was. I think a lot of people just want a more simple halo back that is actually fun to play for days and days. Add a few new features but not this aa crap. Seriously why does halo need sprint? because every other game has it? **** off.
  4. no more odst my god... how much more can they milk this game?
  5. Halo reach was a beta... it was not a real game.
  6. Sprint out of all the aa's is the one that does not belong. I hate them all but if i had to choose i think sprint ruined the game. Every other game has it and halo did not need it. When people are one shot they can simply sprint away. Sprint took away grenade placement as well. Tricky jumps and clutch moves are also gone it seems. Setups on maps has been ruined. This is not shadowrun or any other game people. This is halo.
  7. Decree117

    Halo 4 leaks

    I like how it said chief was sprinting haha "which could be a return on sprint aa" he sprinted in all the halo 3 trailers too and there was no aa sprint in halo 3
  8. I am so glad i have never used the word epic in my life and never will.
  9. I am with you all the way and people who say there is nothing wrong with Aa's then you need to reconsider the way your brain works.
  10. How bout replace it with NOTHING!
  11. I will be the first. Who else does not want random bloom and unnecesarry armor abilities in halo 4? Lets bring it back to the halo 2 and halo 3 online days.
  12. Sprint is the most unatural of them all and they should not be in the game at all. It would suck in campaign or multiplayer. Seriously 343 just because reach had them does not mean halo 4 has too.
  13. If they were all destroyed on reach then why would they been in halo 4?
  14. People are saying that all the human weapons are basically destroyed except for maybe a few. I think for campaign chief should have a br for about half the campaign and be forced to use new weapons because he finally runs out of ammo. I would just like to see more depth to this campaign, as well as choices and situations that show up that force you to go a different way.
  15. I like the campaign.... why are you bringing it into this conversation though?
  16. Adapt to what... a horrible game? You obviously never played halo 2 online and as for halo 3 you probably blew ass. Ya lets all adapt to a game that is not fun and is not fair. I am playing halo 3 online right now and it is amazing.
  17. Yes i know and you just want to start hitting all the little kids.
  18. Cool! well then halo 4 should not have aa's if we supposedly lost it all on reach. Equipment in halo 3 was beta i felt. I would not mind a few new things in halo 4 but nothing to extreme. Loadouts are a joke. Aa's should be a pickup in halo 4. It would make the game more fun and balance. Reach should be called AA vs AA.
  19. Reach to me all around feels like a cheesy game. Compared to the smoothness of halo 2 and 3 online... reach is horrible. All i can really say is reach sucks and i hope halo 4 isn't a reach 2.
  20. You do not need to flip the game upside down. Halo 3 did a good job in adding suttle changes to gameplay. Reach raped halo and left it to die.
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