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Posts posted by I_Make_Big_Boom

  1. l4T02BI.png

    Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll!  :)


    Poll 49 - '2017 Hype & Predictions' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply.


    Btw, title format change because why not? Deal with it.

    This week we're gonna get down to the brass tacks of Nintendo's new & juicy conference for everyone's favorite console....
    Nintendo just held a press conference for their new console, the Nintendo Switch, where they went in-depth about the consoles game lineup, functions, and place in the market with an official release date worldwide being March 3rd, 2017.
    What are your thoughts about the Switch now given the information gleaned from the conference?
    The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response!
    SD, out!. :split:
    • Like 3
  2. Simple solution:


    1. Play Arena

    2. Use those points and unlock REQs

    3. Profit


    1. Going out of one's comfort zone can sometimes be catastrophic, or just plain annoying if they really hate a certain mode. For me it's SWAT. Screw SWAT.

    2. Yes

    3. $$$


    But yeah, if 343 just gave the Player any old hard-to-get REQ they needed from the get-go it would kinda downplay their importance, and the need for them to buy packs to get them. They have to create a demand with little supply I guess? How else are they supposed to profit from REQs if people don't need them all that much?

  3. Held a presentation about Indie Game Development in front of a group of people. I wanted to die before, during, and after it was done -- still do. I cringe at the thought. Not really awesome though, but really funny in hindsight.


    Then there's the realization of what I wanted to do with my life, that was great.


    All in all this year was very eventful, and allot of good and bad happened. Which is good: it keeps me on my toes. Don't want to be too complacent. :)

    • Like 1
  4. l4T02BI.png

    Heyy, welcome back to the Weekly Site Poll!  :)


    Poll 48 - 'Holiday Gaming Memories' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply.

    It's time to GET HYPE for the topic of this weeks Poll... Just do it. Get hype. It's a no brainer....
    What are you hyped for in 2017?
    Also, have any predictions for the next year? Fears?
    The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response!
    Happy New Year from le SD!  :fun: 
    • Like 1
  5. They just need to tone down the scale, and return to a more "intimate" setting. Not like Halo 4, Requiem felt like a drop in the bucket. The place had no impact on the story other than being the prison for the Didact. They could've set the game on any planet really, and it would've worked. The worlds in Halo 5 also had no impact, and again were merely the locations of "evil" and super-weapons.


    Don't over-complicate things, and ramp up the stakes. Take a note from Resident Evil 7, 343.

    • Like 2
  6. Story: is pretty shallow, but it does what it needs to do. My only gripe was that certain things didn't make since, I didn't really have questions about the Halo ring, but more about the Marines, and why they did stuff.


    More info in Terminals would've been great, ye.



    Levels: the first half of the game feels good. Some are very large, and can be explored, some are smaller, but feels good for the gameplay. Silent cartographer is, to me, the level that has all of Halo best level design. Assault on control room(without the flood) is kinda bipolar, it has a lot of repeating small rooms, and bridges which makes it not fun, but it gets better when the level opens up. Every mission after this isn't that good in terms of level design, because it has a lot of small quarters that are repeated quite a bit(library).


    I think what makes The Library stand out so much is its gauntlet-ness -- the unrelenting assault from the Flood is a very drastic difficulty change from earlier parts of the game. It was like having Left 4 Dead before zombie games were popular. Halo 2 and 3's Flood sections were the same way, but 3's were far less difficult.


    Though I do agree the diversity drops off in the latter portion of the game.



    Flood: K feel they were introduced in s great way. You understood that this was threat, but it was mysterious. It accomplished that. The story made them scary, and the gameplay did as well. They are scary in gameplay only because they are overly difficult, even on normal. They are highly accurate, and they are relentless is shooting you. There aren't many weapons good against them, and you can't melee them, which makes them an annoying opponent. They game makes you afraid of them, but only because they are too difficult to fight. This is good, because the game wanted you to be afraid, but it also wasn't that fun on higher difficulties, so their should have been a balance of it. The later half of the game is mostly fighting the flood, and so it wasn't as fun to me, and I a few times considered just stopping, but I didn't.


    The relationship between the Flood, Covenant, and UNSC is a large part of the latter game half. Seeing AI battle against one another is always satisfying. The conflict between the factions made things feel more dire, and urgent.



    So I still love the game, but I understand it isn't perfect. It has a lot of good ideas that were executed well, and other good ideas that weren't. Future games build on it and brought a lot of what made it good, dropped the bad, but also left behind certain things that made it great(I.e. unique purpose and experience of every weapon idea left behind.)

    I still love Halo: CE. This is all my opinion, and I understand and respect if you disagree, so what do you think about what I have said?


    I got nothing else to say except that I would've loved to have Halo: CE with Halo 3's attention to detail, and Halo 2's length. I prefer 3 out of the others because of its epic-ness though its lack of difficulty is what drags it down.

  7. l4T02BI.png

    Heyy, welcome back to the (somewhat) Weekly Site Poll!   :)


    Poll 47 - 'The Future of Halo' - is here if you'd like to read the responses, or post a late reply.

    This week we have a special Poll regarding the second greatest time of the year for video games -- the first being E3, duh. Tis the season, yo....
    Got any noteworthy Christmas/Holiday gaming memories? Share em, or else. :diablo: 
    Also, what are some awesome gaming-related presents that you received or given?
    The next Weekly Site Poll will be posted whenever, maybe. Feel free to suggest the topic for the NEXT Weekly Site Poll in your response!
    Happy Holidays from ye old SD!  :santa: 
    • Like 3
  8. Not only that but the models of the Elites in Halo 4 and 5 are huge compared to the player model. They would have to take the Halo Reach approach but then theres no canon to justify it why they're fighting(Unless you say its a Warzone training simulation)


    We will never have Elites like we did in 2/3 but I could see them returning in Halo 6 ala Reach style where they have different characteristics/ 


    If we have a simulation of Spartans wiping the floor with not only Elites, but practically anything at the Covenant's disposal we can have a simulation simulating Spartans stepping into the shoes of Elites. Or even other races for that matter.


    All it really takes is good writing, or 343 to just come out and say "Screw it. MP isn't canon anymore! RELEASE THE ELITES!".

  9. Damn, I remember back in Reach I did the slickest Assassination ever. I was camping out on Reflection near a gravity lift on the right side of the map, and some guy was strolling around below me. I fell down from my perch up high, spun around 360 degrees, and upon landing on him I immediately assassinated him -- the animation where you knock em down, and break their neck. I never saved the clip though :(


    Good idea btw. :)

    • Like 1
  10. I think the first time I saw Halo: Reach was either of these:

    1. In the 2009 Teaser Trailer in late 2009 or early 2010. I distinctly remember seeing it on my friend's 360, but at what point I don't remember.
    2. In the Gameinformer issue of February 2010, which I still have in my closet.  :laughing:

    Here's the 2009 Teaser:



    And this is the article on the Gameinformer site about their issue: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2010/01/08/news-february-cover-revealed.aspx


    The cover as well:









    Playing it was a different story. I don't remember ANYTHING about Halo after looking over the GI Reach issue. It might-of been because I had a PS3 at the time, and anything Xbox related did not compute to me. I think the reason I got a PS3 was because my old 360 red-ringed, and I ended up breaking it beyond repair in effort to fix it (fml).


    I only managed to start playing when my PS3 was destroyed, and I got a 360 S in August 2011. Though it's possible I went to a LAN for Reach before that, but I don't remember anything specific. Only LANs dedicated to Halo 3.


    In any case, the span between August 2011 to just before the launch of Halo 4 was the golden age of Reach as far as I'm concerned. Those were the days...

    • Like 1
  11. Part 2:


    Steins;Gate 0

    Re-released with Windows support in Japan (and in extension the US if you haul the game over, and use an English subtitle patch) on August 26th


    I originally entered the franchise in mid-2014 with the anime, which had a lasting effect on my psyche. The narrative, and its total end left me unable to get any good sleep for weeks after I finished it, and my experience with it was so great that I never wanted it to end. Steins;Gate has its flaws, but its storytelling is superb.


    Both Steins;Gate and Steins;Gate 0 are meant to spin the tale of what it took for Okabe Rintaro (the series' primary protagonist) to get to the eponymous and hypothetical Steins Gate: a world free of war, which said war was wrought by tampering with time (to be as basic as possible without spoiling anything). However, in order for... let's say OG Okabe to get to Steins Gate something needed to happen. This is where 0 Okabe, the protag. of Steins;Gate 0, steps in. His actions in Steins;Gate 0 are the backdrop for what happens in OG Steins;Gate, which in essence makes it a prequel story.


    In theory it seems easy enough, but in practice it leaves allot to be desired. I feel there were some missed opportunities to tie things together, and the sheer complexity of the story introduces new plot holes or elements which aren't explained. Even so, the amount of content here dwarfs the original Steins;Gate maybe 2 times over. The narrative is dark and jam-packed, and has ALLOT of depth. Kotaku once did an article about the game, and labeled it as a "Dark Time-Travel Tale", which I agree with wholeheartedly . This game is freaking depressing, and just goes to show how important the journey to the Steins Gate really was. The places this game went left me pleasantly surprised.


    To go further would require a dedicated review, which I'm not willing to do. Even with my reservations with this game I still think it's a good contender for GOTY, and possibly even an equal to OG Steins;Gate. However, because it was not released originally in 2016 it may be left out because of a technicality... right?






    DOOM is a good game no doubt, but not one of the greats for me. While its simplistic, and nostalgic approach works wonders for it, this relatively "safe" structure doesn't make it one of the greats. It's not GOTY for me.


    Resident Evil 5 simply had its time, and a re-release won't put it on any GOTY list for me past the year 2009. It's still an amazing game regardless.


    Pokemon Sun & Moon are even worse than DOOM in the safe regard. They're ideal childrens games, but unfortunately attempt to shove ideas and tutorials down the player's throat at every opportunity. They're great games... but not GOTY.


    Which leaves the final game... Aaaaannd my nomination iiiiiiiiisss.......


    Steins;Gate 0


    I don't care about technicalities. This game deserves GOTY simply because of the amount of detail put into it, let alone the sheer amount of content and great narrative it has. It has its issues, but I feel it's more than made up for with its strengths. :)


    Hopefully I won't have to wait ANOTHER YEAR for an official English PC release in the US. :C

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