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Trae Houston

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Status Updates posted by Trae Houston

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Quanza, Falis Navidad, and Happy Hanika, and what ever religion you are.

  2. Hey guys it I your faithful friend!! I am letting those who participate in the Halo Origins RP that I ahve posted there or rather I made an edit to one of previous posts in which I told you guys that I was going to post there when i was done getting the kinks out. Anyway lets get back on that RP and finish it! I am pumped and ready to finish it off!

  3. Ahh the holidays licking spoons and asking for toppings....the best times during the year

  4. Getting pumped for my Birth day in 9 days ima be 15 WHOOO!

  5. Getting pumped for my Birth day in 9 days ima be 15 WHOOO!

  6. Does anyone want to play Halo 4 or Halo Reach? I barely have any friends online at the moment and I am Bored. My gamer tag is DHX CagyDrake

  7. In this world people believe them selves to be gods. But most of the time a person believes that, he is either insane, a dictator, or just a plane old a*s whole. Alot of times they end up dead in some sort of way. Moral of this is to think you are not a god, still you will die....but of old age, or of some natural cause, most of the time.

  8. Nothing to be concerned of but what just happened to Reach it went BOOM!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Donut


      @The Stig LOL! XD

    3. BaconShelf


      But the planet didn't explode. It was about 2/3rds glassed and later recolonised by 2582!

    4. Trae Houston

      Trae Houston

      @The Stig I was thinking of reach at the time, I meant to say Reqium

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