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sg rick

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Everything posted by sg rick

  1. Just trying to help halo community P e r s o n a l s t a t e m e n t I have been a massive halo fan for many years now and it’s the only game I go to when wanting to play a FPS!! I guess its because I find HALO more dynamic in terms of movement and timing, team work, shields etc. I am not a big fan of games that are made to play realistic! What I mean is how fast a person can get killed in combat! As its not much fun and can become very repetitive and boring. This is where I feel game producer can get thing’s wrong! From what I know people want games to look realistic but not PLAY realistic! Lets not forget this is an online world nothing realistic about it so why try to fabricate that because in the gaming world realistic means boring as its more fun having shields and hustling with your opponents it promotes skill and team work witch leads to being competitive. I guess this is why I always look to ci-fi FPS ie HALO rather than a realistic FPS like COD I would like to bring forwards some Cons of halo 4 multiplayer that the halo community would love to have addressed to better our gaming experience. Issues Matchmaking quality : Getting dropped into a game that has already been won is not a nice feeling. : When someone leaves a game everyone has to wait and suffer then when you spawn you have been Killed already also not a nice feeling and this can happen 3 times in 1 game just imagine that! : When a player searches on their own he or she will get matched with players with low skill set Witch lead to a loss this also has a knock on effect on true rankings a solution for this could be to To have a play list like mercenary team death match like on cod 4! This has been catered for those Who want to search for team slayer on their own instead of opponents with stacked teams whom Always win Matchmaking Maps : We deserve more free maps really would love to have some free revamped maps that where loved By Halo fans this is what really should be addressed as we are all long serving fans we deserve this At least we should not have to pay for everything that’s not right I find this greedy not a good look. Matchmaking play list/Weapons : Play lists should be based on the number of player’s available form 1 to 8 So at the moment we are missing head to head 1v1 also team slayer 3v3 and multi team Slayer /capture the flag. I feel swat on multi team has no balance and was surprised to See it that’s why multi team was not a success : Bubble shield was way better than regeneration shield because it had more purpose and balance Regards SG DAMAGE
  2. Hi 343 I have never complained about a game before but i had to this time as the match making and spawn system was so unprofessionally produced and has not been updated at all i mean you cant actually enjoy the game. I really don't appreciate been dropped into a game that has already been won also waiting to play a match can get frustrating. I think the worst part is when someone leaves the room and everyone has to wait and then goes blake screen . I have a 100 meg broadband service with DMZ setup in the uk, london and still get poor connection on Halo 4. I genuinely believe this game was sold half done. The game play is great well kind of apart from the spawning so far away from your team buddies and out in the open as an easy target!! Has to be said not good production by the team, matchmaking was a total utter mess sorry not trying to disrespect but i dnt appreciate being miss lead because this game did not do as it said on the tin!! if you know what i mean and i have spent money on this game ie all the content .. The stupid thing is that i am only skimming the surface LOL !!! Too many faults in the game to bring up i mean i would be hear for a long time its not my job to produce the game lol .. Gaming producers should not rely on gamers to make a good game. They should know what it consist of. Must be embarrassing the matchmaking its the worst i have ever come across in 7 years of gaming STILL A BIG HALO FAN BUT LOST INTEREST WITH THIS GAME AS ITS HAPPENING ALL THE TIME AND AFFECT THE OUT COME OF THE MATCH..... Thanks for reading peace .. SG DAMAGE 1 more thing that's really frustrating is when you are searching on your own you end up playing against a good team and the guys on your team just don't have the same skill set I mean i shouldn't have stack my team to have a competitive game and thats is wy people play halo because of the level of competitiveness .. i dnt see that in this game sorry its obvious that the halo engine is not too clever .. i think this is embarrassing production. also false advertisement because they said this halo is bigger and better can i ask in what way ...
  3. cant stand the match making on halo 4

    1. sg rick

      sg rick

      also the spawning is real bad unfortunately ..

    2. Caboose The Ace
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