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The Stig

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Posts posted by The Stig

  1. Hello mate, and welcome! Whatever you need help with, just ask anyone here and we will help you out! Everyone here is really trustworthy and reliable, so your in good hands! I hope that we can become friends in time.


    Well see ya around buddy! :)

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    Edit: Sorry I forgot to answer the one above me. But I honestly did not know, and I did not want to cheat and search for it before I tried to figure it out. It was "Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag's Laueano" as the gentleman below me states. See I would not know, as I did not play Assassins creed...


    Mine was the line said by Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger himself in the old movie "Kindergarten Cop"


  3. Well, this can go one of two ways. The first way is it will improve the update since they're getting time to tweak it, this helps sometimes. On the other end, it could end up being really bad. Look at Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever. Both had so long to be done, and got mixed to bad reviews. This update could end up making the issues worse or creating new ones. I hope it goes successful.


    Oh and WOW nice article Adam!


    But luckily both of those games aren't real... They are urban legends... just mythical creatures like unicorns and leprechauns...


    ...at least that's what I like to tell my self...



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  4. Infinity Ward is definitely on the right track towards making Call of Duty more than just a game where curses run abound. If this keeps up, we may see the elimination of the 12 year-old squeakers who just learned how to swear online!

    That's the problem with modern gaming. When I was a squeaker back in the day, I wasn't allowed to swear (and I didn't want to because I don't feel there is ever a need to have to) but also, there was no Online gaming. Well there was but it was crappy. But these kids grow up with the internet and a headset right within there grasp, and they can say all the things I said to myself back then. If I died I would say "$h**" but there was no one around to hear. I was more or less talking to myself and anyone within the 10 foot radius of the room I was in. But these kids say it with a headset plugged in and their microphones on... Times have changed, lol

  5. I really hope that there are melee weapons! I love being a ninja, or using brute force and take the fight right up to the enemy, right in their face, up close and personal. Like how in fallout I use the Chinese Stealth Armor and Jingwei's Shocksword...

  6. It's been a while since I played Reach, but I agree killing new players is pretty fun.


    If that's what you enjoy then might I suggest you play Multi-Team. Its pretty much like hitting a jackpot of medals every game! So much fun! :)

  7. Its just Human Nature. People get more attention for being a troll than for being polite. Kids not getting enough attention, act out, and the anonymity of being online gives them the opportunity they don't have in the real-world to say how they feel and whats on their mind. I don't blame them, because sometimes its not always their fault, and sometimes they say those things out of anger and don't mean it. And when and if they do... I try to ignore it.

  8. Hello! Your nervous now but just you wait! In no time at all, you'll be as comfortable around us as you would be with your own family! There is no need to worry! We all will become great friends I know it! ^-^

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  9. Congratulations my friend! But take things slow, if you rush right into your new role to fast you'll burn yourself out, especially after climbing the ranks so fast. We need you, so you musn't be tiring yourself out to soon...


    Anyways, You made us all proud and I know you will continue to do so, Good job, and good luck, I know you'll do great buddy!


    Take care, and remember we're all here for you!  ^_^

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  10. To me there is no useless Pokemon. Each one has a purpose whether it is a pawn you sacrifice in order to revive or heal your main Pokemon, an HM slave you can teach all the HM's, or a spare Pokemon you use just to impress or annoy someone.


    From Magikarp to Metapods or Kakuna and zubat, and everyone in between. They can all be useful! :)

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