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The Stig

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Posts posted by The Stig

  1. I can not wait either! Super stoked!


    I remember seeing Ads for Halo as far back as Halo 2... I can still remember those commercials as well. And for Halo 3 in particular I remember googling those commercials and re-watching them on youtube over and over and reading the comments like a million times, up until release.  :)

  2. Welcome! The more the merrier! It truly is an honor to meet you, and I do hope you enjoy it here! If you need anything just ask! I'll be more than happy to assist in whatever way I can! Well, I'll let you get to it, take care for now my friend! ^_^

  3. Whats my type?.... Hmmm.....Well. I honestly, don't have one. It just doesn't feel right to me, to build this idea of a dream girl in my mind. You can't chose who you fall in love with... it just... happens. And that's the beauty of it. The heart wants what the heart wants, and that's the way it should be! Part of dating is getting to know someone, but if your only looking for a partner that meets your personal "Type" then you are missing out. She could be the perfect match for you, and you guys would fall madly in love and maybe even start a family, but how would you know if you don't give her a chance?! If you just say "Oh, shes a brunette, I only want a blonde. NEXT!" than you could be missing out on the greatest thing to ever happen to you. And the "Happy Family" destiny that fate wrote out for you, fades away. It ceases to exist. In my opinion, I feel it is best to Just keep your mind open, and your heart prepared. Be ready for anything.   ^_^


    Which leads me to my view on Marriage...


    I don't have a Wife... And if I did, I would never fight with her. There is no argument that is worth divorcing for to me. Even if she cheated on me, lied to me our entire relationship, or anything like that... It does not matter. I would forgive her. If I make a mistake in our relationship, or say something wrong (Which I would do everything in my power to avoid) I would own up to it, and admit my fault. And apologize. Even if we were in a argument of over how something happened and I was right. I would still apologize. We are equal, and when shes hurting I'm hurting.  


    She is my wife, I chose her out of all the women in the world for a reason, I fell in love with her in the first place for a reason. I married her for a reason. I chose to share my life with her, for a reason. I love her, for a reason. I chose to share all of myself (my problems and triumphs, sadness and happiness, Darkness and Bliss, Money and Debts) because she is my partner. And she musta felt the same, or else she wouldn't have said "Yes" in the first place... Right?


    Relationships take effort. They cannot be forced. It takes 50% from the husband, and 50% from the wife to make the relationship work. If one person gives up working for the relationship and refuses to try anymore, then the relationship no matter how bad the one that wants it to work tries, the relationship is over. Sadly. 


    If you get married, you have to never quit, never back-down, never turn your back, and never leave your significant others side. No matter how tough it gets. Your partners. You work out your problems, together. You deal with trouble, Together. You embrace whatever happens in your lives, together. You forever, stick together.... 

  4. Yeah, I think that they were correct in that one line in their statement, where they said about wanting the experience to be the best that it can. I mean take a look at GTA V as an example... If you installed both disc's too the hardrive the game loaded slower, had worse framerates, was more choppy, and the textures and lighting was  slightly worse. Because they designed the game to use both the disc and the harddrive. The game wasn't optimized to work as a single download file.  My guess would be that's the case with Titanfall.


    Thank you for the article Edward! :)

    • Like 1
  5. If there is ever anything you need man... money, games, words of advice, a friend to lean on... I got your back. If I could I'd be with you every step of the way, as you try to better your life, and find yourself. I would ask you to stay, but that's not fair to you. I do not want you to feel obligated to stay or be guilted into staying... You are free to choose for yourself and I don't wanna interfere. Don't stay unless YOU want to....


    Anyways... Good luck bro, and best wishes! Life's an adventure and your just beginning to embark on its epic quest! When your done with its travels and seen what it has to offer, I do hope you'll return someday, and you can tell me all about it.... I would really like that. Well, I won't keep you any longer. See ya brother, until we meet again...  ;)

    • Like 1
  6. I have both already...


    BUT I'd love to play 360 games on the Xbox One! Why didn't they do this initially?!

    My only guess is because they are still selling Xbox 360's. Remember the new 2013 E3 Model Xbox 360 (That's not its official model name, that's just how I best remember it, lol). The only reason the might be considering emulating 360 games is if they have a good reason. As they said its running different hardware, different software, different everything. Its going to take time and money to recalibrate everything to run properly on the Xbox One. So they wouldn't even bother, unless theres something in it for them. I guess we'll have to wait and see!  :)

  7. How have I not seen this post? Anyways, I enjoy you being MoM. But I do have to say, Zelda kinda beat your title. She was the best MoM, an the only MoM, and the only MoM to actually be a mom before you became MoM.

    Lol, I think I just confused myself.


    But good job, Peanut, looking forward to you in my Something Fishy... lobby. I hope you can get motivation in Halo Wars to want to beat GSD there.

    *slow clap*


    ^ This. 


    ...He pretty much said what I was gonna say lol.... Still, sweet MoM speech buddy! And your a wonderful MoM by the way! Cheers! :)

    • Like 1
  8. I wish it did not have to be this way... But if this is what you truly feel is the right thing to do, then I will stand by your decision. And respect it. But, I will be really sad to see you go...


    Life in a way... is like a tree.


    We start off small, and weak... Fragile, yet strong, constantly growing to fit our surroundings. As we grow, we change in many ways, while leaving behind many roots. The more people we encounter, the more friends we make, and the more we strengthen our relationships with our familys, the more roots we develop into the soil. The more roots we have the more healthy and nourished we become. And the deeper into the earth the roots reach, the stronger the tree. And we shed our ideals and beliefs every season, like a tree sheds it leaves, and we are constantly changing our view on life, yet our outlook remains oddly the same. Our outlook does not change until we grow above the canopy. Grow past the other trees so we may see the sky for ourselves. No more living under the shadows of our successors. We must find ourselves, to truly branch out. It is only then, can we be at one with ourselves and life. So that we may lay our seeds into the soil...and let our offspring live the life that we never could.



    There are no mistakes in life. Each mistake is only but a single, tiny branch. Each branch we have is what makes us stand out. It was what makes us, unique. We are who we are because of the choices we made. Because of the branches we have.


    Who we end up becoming, and who the future will remember, is what we will chose to do later in life. Our past does not define us, and our futures are uncertain. What we make of our lives is only what we chose to do, here. Now. In this moment....



    Look at how much all of your friends here love you.... Always remember how much we will miss you. And never forget it. I wish you the best of luck my friend. I hope that you find what it is you are searching for.  Try not to look at this goodbye as the closing of a single door. But rather, as the opening of thousands. 


    But don't lose whats important... Remember... Walking with a friend in the darkness, is better than walking alone in the light.


    Take care friend....  I bid you farewell....Until, we meet again. 




    • Like 3
  9. May I also point out that the forum turned this year.

    Okay so the forum turned 3.  Total Mayhem responded in this thread 4 times. And the answer to how many times I said the word Total in my original findings was 3.


    Which if we put the numbers side by side... It again, gives us... 343. Coincidence? I think not.


    There are also 11 letters in Total Mayh3ms name. Here is the Vital importance  of 11. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/11_(number)


    His name in reverse also happens to be Mahyam Latot. A quick google image search brought up this image... Which might be our next clue...




    Romney/Ryan have ten letters total. Remember that 10 was the total amount of letters in his initial response to this thread. What is Total Mayh3ms connection with the the 2012 US Republican Presidential nominee? 








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          ^  illuminati?

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  10. hehehehehe

    There are precisely ten letters in Total Mayh3m's response.


    H is the eighth letter in the Alphabet. And E is the Fifth.  There also Happen to be five letter E's. As well as five letter H's.


    5 x 5 x 8 x 5 = 1000.  1000 is 100 times greater than 10. Remember 10 was the original total for letters.



    100 has 3 numbers. April is the fourth month of the year. As in 4. And the Day is now April 3rd....


    If you put the gold numbers above, side by side, it gives us.... 343.


    There are also 3 numbers Total in 343, so Half Life 3 confirmed.



    Also, have you been paying Attention?... How many times have I said the word... Total? Which also happens to the name of the person I am quoting?


    • Like 3
  11. Guys, he's being serious he told me in the SB today :(. Well it's gonna be sad to see you go Connor :(!

    Confirmed. Your story checks out.  As it is 2:50 AM (on my end) when you said this...which means that it is now the 2nd. So April Fools day is now over... Which means... Which means that this is not... Not a joke....



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  12. Everything is educational.


    It really just depends on what is being educated.

    Agreed. Anything can be used to teach a lesson. And everything, no matter how simple, has to be taught or learned at some point before it can be completed or attempted.


    Plus We all know someone smarter than us by leaps and bounds in a particular subject, but their clueless in another. For example I am horrible at Math, Chemistry, Cooking, and many other things. But I have a friend who is a wiz with math, a cooking champion, and chemistry expert (Not Walter White). But he doesn't even know how change a lightbulb, or hold a shovel, or  handle a hammer, or tell the difference between a V8 or V6, or how to tell the difference between a Tbar Row and a Back Raise and how they correlate with each body part.  But those are something that I've known for almost my whole life.  


    So does me knowing all of the stuff he doesn't make me smart and him stupid? No.  And Does him knowing all the things that I don't make him a genius and me a moron? No.(well technically yes, cause I am pretty stupid, and the stuff I don't know is all school related stuff. So by the educational standards. I'm kinda an idiot. But that's beside the point).


    The point is, there are things we know, that someone else wouldn't. Just like how there is stuff they know that we wouldn't. I could talk forever about the difference between a Thunderbolt or Thundershock, or how many episodes are in each season of the Office and what happens in each episode, but I wouldn't know where to begin talking about atoms and molecules... Where as my buddy could talk happily for days about it.


    No body's born knowing how to walk or speak. Everything we have done up to this point had to be learned. We learn something new everyday and gaming is no exception.  

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