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Posts posted by Banehalo

  1. now stop there mr. people complain cause they want the size of forge world and be lazy and not think of things somethings i can agree with like ravine is hard to put tall tower cause it yells saying too tall and it will hurt me but those are minor annoying i can solve your problem with 1 reason here it is.

    1.i'm a forger and as i had played 3 reach i love reach yes but this new forge world gives everyone something different but if you learn and do better it make's forging much easier to do. 343i s kicking the ball to us players sayng here is poop make gold and when forger get the poop we make more than just 1 gold we make 10 more gold form it so just cause they hand us poop and you can make it right doesn't me you can't learn how to make maps be gold. not to also include that in reach you almost took as less time building but to much testing to make the bumps work out.so if you think you got nerves to say 343 did and awful job then go sit in the corner and think about your life man.

    cause a great forger can over come anything as long as he tells him self that

    glad you don't let it affect the rest of your gameplay though man i love everyone on the forum but the forge for 343i is just the start none knows what will happen keep forging though even if t looks ugly make something that makes you proud.

  2. Well we'd have to find maps that are adventure maps and that could pose a problem. I did end up finding mine on Reach just barely, still haven't recovered it but I know someone has it in their temporary history haha.


    Also for this play date we could have people spend the week Forging their own adventure maps. You can make a pretty decent one in a week if you have the time to put into it

    i don't know how to build one you might want to explain that to them if some don't know

  3. Then people'll complain about Promethean vision being OP, and blah blah blah.


    Oh well. People who die will complain, and that's the main issue - they're complaining about things that kill them. Most of the time they don't even know why something is OP; to them, it just is because it kills them a lot.

    halo 5

    Weapon pillow that's it a pillow nothing else

  4. Believe it or not, some people think that Halo 4's Forge is bad. I, am one of those people. There are multiple problems, such as the block sizes, for example, the 4x4 corner, is not the same size as a regular 4x4. Here is a list that I've gathered of problems, if you feel I've left anything out, just comment below. But, this is completely a matter of opinion, if you disagree, do not take offense. These changes are also recommended for Halo 5.


    1. The size of objects.

    2. Take out piece limit. (Leaving budget.)

    3. The size of the maps. Forge World 2.0?

    4. The lighting. (Just tweaks.)

    5. Zoom in edit mode.

    6. Manual adjustments. (Pushing left stick in.)

    7. Textures should be changed to forerunner style.

    8. Gravity lift physics.

    9. Piece design. (Coliseum window is rectangular.)

    10. Missing pieces. (Glass sail.)


    These things would most logically be added in Halo 5, however, some things could be added in an update to Halo 4.

    i see you point but this is also like halo 3 no real work on it. it makes me somewhat sick when trying to build maps cause the first time i saw it was hard to find out where to put it. but i learn and now i see it some what better than reach. but forge isn't 343i outreach it's the weapons and storyline they worry about

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