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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Im a pretty badass driver so if you ever need one hit me up lol no one would hop in my gunner but i still managed to get like 5 splatters people hop out because they think im gonna flip but i dont
  2. The guy in the tank was terrrrrrrrrrible... your driver had you guys asking for death... nice shootin' though Tex
  3. I was wondering why my Frag grenades sucked so bad. Guess I should try this perk.
  4. They need to add Warthogs to Shatter. I mean seriously. Mantis and Ghost but no warthogs? SMH. Need more Gauss hogs too.. only on 1 map? What gives.
  5. The Charged shot should not have the ability to 1 hit kill period the end. Charged bolt shot should be just like plasma pistol charged, pop shields only. Its so stupid when someone walks around the corner with the bolt shot and instagibs.
  6. Blood Gulch Beaver Creek Your Big Team Maps are really lacking.. = /
  7. Skeeks420

    1 Flag CTF

    You guys really need to bring back 1 Flag CTF...... Only 1 CTF Game Mode is pretty stagnating. 1 Flag CTF arguably requires as much teamwork and execution as the new 2 Flag CTF mode. So many people ignore playing defense as it is right now.
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