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  1. 1. 1-50 ranking= no. 2. what I loved about halo reach was the ability to vote not just on map, but on game mode played. Why are we restricted to one? No one just plays oddball. I say bring back rumble pit ( ffa infinity slayer, king of the hill, regicide and oddball.) And do same for team (except with capture the flag) and big team battle (except with dominion). Also condense swat to include team snipers. This may also sort out 3 3. map choosing: in big team slayer all i am playing is exile or ragnorak. 2. might change this or the addition of a random/ veto. 4. competitive playlists 5. a community playlist for forge maps. Don't do what reach did and have them in official playlists but give them one. 6. more random drops. The random drops are not nearly regular enough, part of halo is everyone running to a weapon and a random drop can help you if doing bad. 7. general boosting and nerfing certain weapons. 8. kill cams are useless, they dont work, change or drop them and grenade indicators make frags and promethian grenades useless.
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