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  1. Ok, so I just played slayer on Haven and shot someone twice at point blank range with the scattershot, he shot me once with the boltshot and I died. WTF? And no matter how hard I try I can't do the fast reloading glitch that essentially gives people a boltshot that is stronger and faster than either the scattershot or shotgun. It needs to be significantly slower and have less range than either shotgun-type power weapon since it is a loadout weapon. Also lag keeps killing me. Even though I have a good internet connection on my computer and open NAT type on my xbox, all too often I'm about finish someone with that 5th headshot from the BR or DMR when they start teleporting all over the place due to lag and I always end up dead. Solutions: I think we need an option to search for matchmaking games based on best possible connection (also an option for searching for same skill level would be nice) and 343 in general just needs to clean up the glitches and lag especially in multiplayer (although its in spartan ops and campaign too, even local). They also need to look at the kill stats for weapons and start balancing them more. In some cases like the boltshot glitch, only a few people are really using it but is overpowered and ruins the game. It cannot beat a scattershot or shotgun unless you're at point blank range and fire first (instant kill before other guy returns fire). Also the BR's burst either needs to be slightly slower than a DMR shot but kills in 4 to 6, or it needs to be faster than the DMR and kill in 5 to 7 (like it does now) so either way the BR has a faster kill time. This would make up for the DMR's extra rounds and clear range and accuracy advantage. They are actually really well balanced for SWAT considering the BR is simply easier to get the kill but at certain ranges the DMR invariably wins.
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