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Xander Riga

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Everything posted by Xander Riga

  1. 4 Team SWAT CTF This game is a highly competitive, fast paced version of capture the flag. The map is completely symmetrical and in the shape of a large square. There are 4 teams of 2-4 and each team spawns on one side of the square. From there they can attack any other flag or defend their own. All guns are one hit kill headshots and the respawn is relatively slow. This leads to a very fast paced, all out attack style game. Played with a full lobby of 16 competitively it is an absolute blast. The gametype can be found here: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo4/fileshare/details/5628c35f-e525-428b-9c3d-73cbbd85ba2e and the map can be found here: http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/xander%20de%20gr8/halo4/fileshare#!/?section=GameMap&SearchDate=7&SortBy=2&view-select=Tile&startIndex=0&details=c8d2931c-1598-47ea-beaf-93f98aeaaa40 The attached pictures give a good overview of the general layout of the map. If you ever want to play or talk to me about it. XBL GT: xander de gr8 I would love feedback, too! Thanks for taking a look!
  2. 1. Gamertag: xander de gr8 2. Map Name: Corridors CTF 3. Gametype: SWAT CTF 4. This is a competitive map for SWAT CTF. 4 teams of 4 recommended, but can be played from about 12-16 players on 2 or 4 teams(no bigger than 6 per team). It is a symmetrical map with 4 sides. It has lots of cover all the way around, and a slightly higher middle section. Flags can be pulled from either side or over the middle, making this a fun, hectic, and extremely challenging game to play with competitive teams.
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