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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. There are a few fairly consistent issues that I have noticed with the matchmaking in Halo 4. Most of which concern the "join a game already in progress" feature. If I start searching for a game, and it tosses me into a game that has already started, 9/10 times that game is red bar. Typically, I try to play through, but it is getting old. Most of the time, the connection is so bad, other players start dropping after a few minutes of play, then we sit at black screen over and over. I completely understand why "join an existing game" was added - it almost guarantees a fully populated game, and you don't end up playing 4v1 and wasting 12 minutes in the process. However, the side effect is that most people quit out when the connection is bad, so when it fills that gap with a new player, that new player is stuck playing on a crappy host. I feel at times as though I spend WAY more time waiting at black screen for a host switch as I did in reach waiting for a game to start. Just my two cents.
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