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Everything posted by Lionside

  1. I have a guardian remake on my fileshare you can use for custom games Gt: the lionside
  2. Ur right, halo 4 is terrible. It doesnt deserve the name halo, tbh neither did reach. Halo was the game that other games aspired to be an now halo is a bad lazy version of other games. It feels unfinished and has so many flaws, how many flaws were in h3? Br spread was about the only major one anyone cared about, and the people that requested all these crap new features shud play cod and bcz now halo fans that have played since ce hate the game.. Anyone who disagrees with me can kiss my ass because deep down you know its a bad game.
  3. Thanks guys. It would of been better but by the time i had done gold and top middle i had ran out of walls and blocks to use which sucks but i did the best with what they give you.
  4. I downloaded a few theyre pretty cool, i think my guardian is better though you should dl and see it
  5. You could have one team spawn in a room/ on a boat and have a teleporter spawn after say 20 seconds so the have access to the full map. If that makes sense
  6. I've recreated my favourite Halo map and i hope you guys enjoy it too. Its pretty accurate and looks awsome! Its on my fileshare ready to download so go to my gamertag: The Lionside
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