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Posts posted by Dominator

  1. 3 years of developing in total is enough for a game. Look at Halo 3, it had also three years of developing and it was in my opinion a great game. Six years for one game is a bit long I think but maybe Frank means 2 years of very intensive work on the game and the other years for the story, ideas etc.

    oh i do not disagree with you, your right. although they did anounce that halo 3 started as an idea in mid 2003, but yes 3 intesive work was the basic for all the halo games but halo ce, and possibly for halo 4. but honestly, i want all 6 years, if halo 3 is this great with just 3, imagine 6? lol much better! not to mention what if there already done with halo 4(besides producing it) and now they are on halo 5? or maby it started last year when we got reach? i mean its possible with everything we now know

  2. sorry, but have you guys seen how many people play our game? have you seen how many play CoD? yes cod does not inovate and yes there fans are stupid, but our fans are not. im sorry but our fans got up and left, 20-30 thousand left reach and moved to halo 3, and the others either left gaming, or worst hjust straight up switched games, i personally know alot of halo fans that were diehard,they all moved to the gears franchise, and no i have no problem with GoW but really? we all know that halo is better, so obviously if diehard halo fans are leaving, there is somthing wrong with halo. and im sorry again but there are very few who like AA's and if you do, your out numbered dude. so dont try to fight it, the voice of the community hates AA's and it has been proven, and here is a good fact to prove it, we have a max of 160K ppl daily right? did you know halo reach has sold over 10 Million copies? and that black ops has only sold 7 million since release? so how is it we have less players? because the ppl who bought reach LEFT for a reason. we only have to blame AA's for this, they did **** up on other minor things, and there are problems with the story canon for the campagin. I can say for myself and many other fans from the old halo days from begining till now and even those kids who started with halo 3, alot of us all say AA's would be stupid!!! jesus i mean no offense to others who disagree but its soooo simple, halo 4 without AA,s hundreds of thousands of fans come back,halo 4 with AA,s we stay at 160K a day, and probbly will lose that to, i imagine 100K would be our max with AA,s in halo 4. im sorry but this is true, and we would also loose MLG possibley, what if all this stuff with AA,s affects our baby the BR? you all know she could be coming back, do you really want to loose your 4 shot kill to some ***** ass armor lock kid? no i dont so no i dont want FREAKING AA's in halo 4, end of story no questions asked.


    now with ALL that said there are other problems that could face halo 4 because of its predecessor Halo:Reach. the other big topic is the god dam melee system and fall damage system, first off the melee system is so broken its not even funny, if i get rushed by a 12 year old and his shields are almost down because i shot him 3 times but he was to close to get the last 2 shots off and i have to melee him and im 1 shot so one hit kills me, i excpect to be able to counter the melee rusher by killing him with my gun butt like all halo games, um yeah no NOT I REACH! haha yeah that sysytem is stupid please go BACK! and for fall damage, its not to big, but i mean come on, if halo were ment to be on the dot realistc, then it would not be that fun. so please take that out, its not going to affect anything really, and you can just say spartan 2s can take more of a fall than a spartan 3 can, problem solved!


    next is the all mighty forge, im sorry some might like forge world but i do not. please wait before you wig on me for this, listen 1st. forge world is a great idea, but they did not pull it off the right way. think about it, foundary in halo 3 was small but could be maximized to the full map, which made AWSOME maps for all, even the beasts at MLG. but with forge world you get more space to "forge" but not enough stuff to maximize this space, you can make a amazingly forged map that is complex and fun, but it is still esentially the same size as foundary. so what was the point of the rest? that is my point. not to mention the same scenery over and over. its jsut old guys, it really is. i say if they were to have made three worlds, one human,one the way it is, and the other covy. and that would help the scenery problem, also give us a better budget, that would help alot for size. otherwise take it out completely please.


    Another thing is the 1 person in theater lobbys, it needs increase, seriously put it to at least 2, i want to show my friends badass clips without having to upload it to my fileshare.


    as for fileshare they need to fix it, dont put the reach fileshare in, just for the meer fact halo 3 fileshare was much more organized. i dont care if it looks identical to H3 or it looks cooler, but make it the 1-24 slots for puting things in, instead of the randomness of what you gave us in halo reach.


    next would have to be the armor, i personolly strongly disagree with the armor they put in halo reach, then again they were spartan 3s and not spartan 2s, but still its not they pure fact of there armor not being shiny, i just feel a spartan would not look like a normal marine, spartans would have cool chest pieaces like in halo 3 with interesting designs instead of halo reach with grenades and other things you would think an ODST or marine would have. sorry personal opinion, thats not the biggest of issues though.


    next is loadouts, not a huge problem, but they help with AA's and AA's are TERRABLE. Im sorry but they are not all that great, but its not to huge, i wouldnt mind them for certain gametypes, but for MLG,or normal team slayer its a no. nuff said.


    next would have to be somthing VERY small, mainly because you would have to be an idiot to do what im about to say, dont put in custome characters for cutscenes or gamplay for the campagin. dont do it, its not right for the master cheif. but theres no worry since i dont think frank would do that to the master chief.


    What I would add is dedicated servers, this is somthing that halo needs, look at GoW 2 and 3, those games never lag and theres no such thing as host connection and lag switching! DEDICATED SERVERS FOR HALO! lol we need to go around ranting that to 343i untill they say ok! haha


    next I would want up to 32 players for customs(this would only happen with dedicated servers!) and have one MP gametype have 32 online, i want invasion to have it. when you think about it you will have one matchmaking gametype with multipule people and always have up to 32 for any type of custome game weather it be big team, objective, or infection! agree with me or not, i still hope to god it happens!(not to mention machinimas would be beast with 32 players in a game)


    Make elites have customizing armor like spartans! that would be great, and also make them playable in all matchmaking gametypes! its easy to solve the problem of balance for invasion elites VS normal playing elites. all you have to do is make the settings for the elites stronger in invasion but the same as spartans for normal games like BTB or TS or MLG. problem solved and millions are happy! haha.


    Here is something new from "Emo Kitten 32":"well i like the CR system but Cr should only buy armor and exp should rank you up" I personaly agree to a certain extent with Emo. this would be interesting, they could still use they same system for gaining Cr like in reach, but use the halo 3 system for ranks, so you do horrible and get 0 exp, but get 500 Cr,you do great in a game get 1exp and get 1000 Cr. this is just one idea, for me personaly i would have to say some armor gets bought but the good ones have to be earned by ranks or achevments. personal opinion!


    Here is something new from "John-117":"You need to add dedicated servers, it will cause no lag and will help increase player cap for the game!" I agree take out the old servers and put in some dedicated ones for god sakes, thats somthing ALL halo games since halo 2 have gotten wrong. NEW SERVERS!!! NOW!


    Here is something new from me: "What if Sprint and Evade were made as just buttons?"now let me explain, i know AA's are gay and ruined alot of the core things that made halo what it is. but those two AA's are not bad. lets say your playing big team in halo4 and lets say they use the halo 3 system so you can be elite or spartan, the spartan can sprint and thats his advantage for geting places quick, and the elite can escape death which is his advantage. so it still adds spice to the gameplay, but not so much spice to the game that it ruins the flavor!(haha love my food refrence?)


    Here is something new from "master marix":"what do you think of loadouts? But each should have the same weapons and grenades not including covenant versions for elites but the point of the load out would be to either to choose sprint or evade. But possibly you can only chose one and the one you pick at the beging of the game is the one you stay with. But SPRINT or EVADE ONLY not the other AA junk like you have hated as well.Unless you think they could mix both togeather in one control. (Mabey holding the walking analog and then the sprint/evade button makes you sprint and quickly slashing the analog to the left, right, or back and hitting the spring/evade button also, will make you evade to the left or right or backwards but sprint can only be activated by puching forward and hitting Sprint/evade and then you can control the sprint in any direction facing forward.This would then take out the reason for loadouts." this i somewhat agree with and this is his exact words and its a bit confusing and complecated to read, but i do agree to a limit, i find loadouts are not nessesary to have though, making them buttons is fine, and the way i see it is they keep it the same button as AA's in reach but there not called AA's there called SPRINT and EVADE! haha


    Here is something new from "rafter":"ADS,

    dust (real dust, try playing blowing up a grenade in BC2. the dust risen prevents you from seeing anything)

    Destroyable environment (like BC2)

    bigger maps with space battles (id doesn't necessarily mean sabres fighting each other, rather one team picking up pelicans and landing in the hangar of the other team's ship)

    and, of course, all vehicles on forge, plus forgable environment, changing the colors and shape of stuff and forgable firefight." I read this and I belive your head is in the right area but destruction to me is a no, think about it for a second....if we had that, halo is a game for nade placement power wepons and percision shots, that does not match up to large warfare, not to mention in halo the rocket launchers and nade spaming would wipe out the map within the first 5 minutes, then cover and skill go out the window its a straight up firefight! lol what i do like is forgeable firefight, thats great idea, and realisticness were dirt sprays in your face and covers your HUD for a second or two to blurr your vision, i like were your thinking. but I think that it would be horrable for it to turn a whole 180 into a large warfare game. just opinion.


    Here is somthing new from "Halo 123 PSAT":"halo4 should have a love plot with the cheif" I belive that if they brought kelly they could swing that, but theres no other girl that the chief would fit with. haha. but it could be interesting to see this idea put in.


    Here is somthing new from "Reptar":"Halo 4 shouldn't have any stolen ideas and should have its own fantastic original ideas." I agree with him 100% but i want to see old halo ideas, nothing else but halo ideas. other than that new interesting halo only ideas are GREAT!


    Here is somthing new from "StickNature":"Halo 4 should be a remake of Halo 3, i could pay billions for that game... but seriously, they need to take out AA's, transformers custom outfits, the MOTHERF**KING Bloom and definitely put the Halo 3 rank, MY Little BR with the 4 shots, bunny jumping, fix the beatdowns (halo 3 beatdowns), Halo 3 medals (reach ones were ugly as hell). All this to make the game more competitive and different to the other games that just were made to making money.

    Halo Reach is fun, but not the way a halo game should be, for me MLG is Halo and I need that competitive game back. I really miss when you jump with the sniper and connect a headshot and get some cool multikills... :c

    Seriously now i'm playing Halo 3 till Halo 4 is finally released, and i'm hoping not to get back to halo 3 this time" I agree with alot he says and im just as disapointed in reach as he is for the same reasons, my opinion is to make the game like halo 3, then ADD new stuff to it like they did reach, im not blind to change, but im no advicate to idiotic change and reach was idiotic by far


    right now i can not think of anything else, but feel free to add to my post, and i will edit it later on, i will copy and paste and put down who thought of the idea! let me know what your thoughts are on my stuff and like i said add what you think should and should NOT be in Halo 4.


    Thank you for reading

    • Like 1
  3. sorry, but have you guys seen how many people play our game? have you seen how many play CoD? yes cod does not inovate and yes there fans are stupid, but our fans are not. im sorry but our fans got up and left, 20-30 thousand left reach and moved to halo 3, and the others either left gaming, or worst hjust straight up switched games, i personally know alot of halo fans that were diehard,they all moved to the gears franchise, and no i have no problem with GoW but really? we all know that halo is better, so obviously if diehard halo fans are leaving, there is somthing wrong with halo. and im sorry again but there are very few who like AA's and if you do, your out numbered dude. so dont try to fight it, the voice of the community hates AA's and it has been proven, and here is a good fact to prove it, we have a max of 160K ppl daily right? did you know halo reach has sold over 10 Million copies? and that black ops has only sold 7 million since release? so how is it we have less players? because the ppl who bought reach LEFT for a reason. we only have to blame AA's for this, they did **** up on other minor things, and there are problems with the story canon for the campagin. I can say for myself and many other fans from the old halo days from begining till now and even those kids who started with halo 3, alot of us all say AA's would be stupid!!! jesus i mean no offense to others who disagree but its soooo simple, halo 4 without AA,s hundreds of thousands of fans come back,halo 4 with AA,s we stay at 160K a day, and probbly will lose that to, i imagine 100K would be our max with AA,s in halo 4. im sorry but this is true, and we would also loose MLG possibley, what if all this stuff with AA,s affects our baby the BR? you all know she could be coming back, do you really want to loose your 4 shot kill to some ***** ass armor lock kid? no i dont so no i dont want FREAKING AA's in halo 4, end of story no questions asked.

  4. Well, Frank said in the videos posted on this site they have been working on it for 2 years.

    well no offense, but frank is full of it, or it was a missleading video, he may have ment 2 years of him working on it, but it is proven stated fact that halo 4 started in 2006, now when it got picked 100% by 343 is unknown, but the meer fact that they were a secret for a year makes me think, without a dought that halo 4 has been in the works for a long time. but we will find out for sure next year probly

  5. I actually like this idea

    Halo4 flood but ends with finally meeting the forerunners.

    Halo 5 finding a way to stop the forerunners from re firing the remaining halo rings whilst fighting the flood.

    Halo 6 you find like a flood mother or something like that which if killed wipes all flood out, but you find out the flood were created by the forerunners as workers but they evolved and then rebelled against the forerunners.


    Just a few ideas

    I love the idea(obviously like me your no dev) but there is one thing, they have already established how the flood came to be, so the last part is not possible for the canon. sorry(but like i said its cool. also they could twist the canon to add the forunners, but sadly they also have stated the forrunners also gave there lives and did not save there own race. soooo lol i know it sucks. but thats the halo canon, but i love the idea seriously

  6. Ok so here is my idea that i have been itching to share with fellow fans, like you know i have made it clear i have been around from day one so i like to think of myself as a origins fan(not these new 12 and 13 year olds ruining halo reach lol!) so here we go!


    In halo 4 begining it should only take place a max of about a week after halo 3 and a min of 1 day. the mystery planet should hands down be onyx, why you ask? well duh the other spartan 2 guys are there!!! they leave it right open for the perfect story were S-117 has to save his team and friends from the horrors of onyx(the new threat) plus the sentinals. im not a halo dev and im not frank so i cant go in depth but a trilogy based about not 1, not 2, not even three spartan 2s but 5 of them! that would be beast. i think it would be great! if you want to add to my idea or make your own feel free!


    thank you for reading!

    • Like 1
  7. If H4 was first put into motion in 2006, then come release date that's 6 years, sounds a bit excessive, but what do I know..

    hell look at starcraft, there are much longer releases than halo 4, and since there were three halo games inbetween while halo 4 was being made, what does it matter? lol means it will be better!

  8. Halo 4 has been in peoduction for 2 years.

    just because when it comes out its a 2 year difference does not mean anything, it is literal proven fact that halo 4 was started in 2006, its just the case of when 343 picked up the job that is not fact. so no, its garenteed to be WAY more than 2 years

  9. Pretty sure right when Reach started, Bubgie made Reach and while 343i was waiting for the rights for halo, they were probably models and sounds even though that wasnt technically legal. I wouldnt put it past microsoft

    well technically... it is, like i said MS owned 51 percent at the time, and like you have stated 343 IS MS were bungie was not, AKA bungie had no say so if MS anted to give the project to the secret newly formed 343i. not to mention who knows how long MS has truly had ALL the rights to halo lol!

  10. Hey i dont know if anyone else marvels at the fact that halo 4 was so well hidden. and I for one want to know how long this secret was kept. I have a good idea of how long to. listen up because this is some interesting stuff!


    Okey so in 2010 Bungie released a comment saying reach started production back in 2006 after halo 3 was in its production phases.(article i found at joystick) this was said because they were asked when they started and what made them want to do this. the full statment was that they originally wanted to start with halo 4(the game JUST announced now hint hint yall) but then whe they worked the deal with MS game studio and found they would be out of a "job" in 2010 they made a different project(mainly because MS owned 51 percent and they ORDERED bungie to change) this project was reach. but they had started the blue prints to halo 4 and then a few months later frank quit bungie. this was the first bungie member to leave. it was unknown were he was or why he left. this was made clear in 2008 when he reapeared. 343i went public and it was known that they existed for a year prior to halo waypoint being out.


    It is now rumored by very reliable sources(especially joystick) that bungie MS took what bungie had done so far with halo 4 and 343 got to work. this makes plenty sense if you ask me. it is known now that 343 had many aplications sent in under the radar from bungie employees and other halo involved people from halos past. many jobs included graphic design and campagin missions. they also had the lead MP design aplications there as well.


    with all these facts and all these rumors...it seems to me our favorite games new release when it is released will have been being made for a grand total of SIX YEARS! this is more than even the first halo(halo combat evolved was first thought of in 1997 when marathon was offically done for bungie and frank wanted to continue) I do belive that halo 4 will hands down be the greatest halo yet and i can not WAIT to see what 343 has to offer to us!


    Please note not all of this is 100% fact there are some rumor(but again there reliable people) but i would love to hear from the fellow hardcore halo fans!!! ALSO I WANNA MAKE IT CLEAR I HAVE PLAYED HALO SINCE LITERALLY DAY ONE AND IM NOT A *** WHO CARES ABOT HOW LONG I JUST HAVE ALWAYS ADMIRED THEM FOR THE CARE THEY PUT INTO HALO!! lol so yeah im not worried bout nothing just pointing it out for future readers!

  11. - No Armor Abilities

    - No bloom

    - Ranking System 1-50

    - Exp not Credits

    - No Firefight

    - No Reach engine

    - Social + Ranking playlists (Like in H3)

    - Good connection for all players around the world.

    - More good maps (Like Narrows, Blackout, The Pit, Heretic etc.)

    - Forge like in Reach.


    I know, I might have a lot points.

    But I entrust the future of Halo 4, you guys from 343. Good luck!

    i agree with alot of what your saying, but it sounds like you just want them to give you a copy of halo 3.....with a easyer forge mode.....thats kinda pointless dude. yes bring back alot from H3 but there were SERIOUS problems with that game to. de rankers specifically. but umm id say fat chance on reach engine going byebye, since its considered best of 2010...and there now enhancing it with crytek AND the recently released Direct-X12.(the D-X11 is what powers halo reach halo wars crysis 2 and the upcoming battlefield 3)so yeah. other wise i like the halo 3 fandom though. but yeah if you want what you listed, you can get it all on your halo 3 disk scrach the forge

  12. In no. 7 you seem to really hate COD



    i always feel like i'm the only one that likes both. the difference is 60% HALO 40% COD

    i hate cod not because im halo, and not because im a battlefield player either(even though that game is also MUCH better than CoD as well) its the simple fact that times are SO hard i dont feel like wasting money on a game that refuses to try new things,that wont take the time needed to make a great game(because we get great halos cuz they take 3 to 6 years to make, and cod takes 1 to 2 years) i also resent them for there uniriginal ideas. cod 4 was original scrach the fact they 180ed and changed from tactical to (fail)competitive style like halo to compete with them. but the biggest is the CEO of activision and his clear statment to the press. "creating a new engine for the call of duty franchise to run on would be the most counter productive thing we could ever do" those were his words.....really? thats BULL and even you have to know this russianpenguin. im sorry but sadly you are practically one of the only halo fans who can say cod is a "great" game. opinion from me brotha

  13. strongly agree with 7

    glad you agree, 343 needs to get it that franks old ideas need to just be enhanced not replaced. give us more of the same but advance it to make it inovative, and ill be as happy as a kid with a new toy!

  14. You spelled a lot of words wrong but good ideas. Well I think there should be weapon customization and classes.

    no offense, but thats what killed halo in the first place. loadouts,AA's,and the worst is the way the gametypes were set up in general. reached ruined everything great about halo 3. and ODST. firefight is for chumps now,matchmaking is so easy and noobish unless you play MLG,customs at first didnt even have alpha zombies,and forge consits of ONE map that you can only use ONE portion of! its rediculous what reach did, and what you mentioned would prove to the world halo is turning into cod. and cod is the most disrespected franchise in the gaming industry,that would be terrible for halo sorry i give to thumbs down on the idea. and i do apologize for spelling but its summer im 15 and i dont care bout my spelling when im typing to my fellow halo fans. just saying bro.

  15. fully usable elites like in halo 3 but, with better armor choices like the ones in reach but you customize your elites like you do with Spartans in reach... any one like or dislike the idea ??

    i love the idea, thats what i want to, like i said in a reply i couldnt think of everything on the spot but yes, thats great!

  16. What is your first reaction to someone T-Bagging you?


    Personally, I think T-Bagging is the funnest and most gratifying thing ever but at the same time, it's the most annoying thing of all time.


    When someone T-Bags me I rage hardcore and pull up the start menu to quit, usually I catch myself or a friend tells me to keep my cool but sometimes a rage quit is just in order XD


    Let me know how you guys react to T-Bagging and Happy belated Bungie Day!

    me i feel the same but it does not make me rage, i normaly just say "wow you would Tbag me when your lossing" lol thats every time pretty much, so i get frustrated by it

  17. one word...how

    how? look at what people say about that game. yeah it sells well and its a great game, but its a terible halo game. the game has less players dayly than halo 2, thats sad. when MLG has to make DRASTIC changes just to put halo reach in MLG that should tell you right there why abilitys are WRONG for halo, there no better than **** of dooty perks. sprint is fine but nothing else, and if they put them back in, i promise you halo will die, it will not be able to stand another fail halo. sales dont matter when opinion is against it. im sorry but thats how. and the amror is gay, all you see is every1 useing what lil decent armor they have in the game. they use the big knife shoulder, the sniper chest, the big knees,the mark 6 helmet or any other high helment. lol so thats "how"

  18. Nice post, but you should have named it "What I want for halo".

    i couldnt think of everything on the spot, and its not me, its me and about 25 other dedicated fans like myself speaking in those, alot of ideas i smashed into one idea. but pretty much every single one is a positive, it all needs to be that way. im sorry but armor abilitys ruined reach, the armor itself ruined reach. theres alot of stuff that needs serious change. i dont need you to agree because i have my own opinion and i use that right due to the fact iv been playing since the begining

  19. Hello My name Is Eric and I have been playing halo since I was a little kid in 2001. there have been many changes to halo since then and the biggest ones are custome games, MP, and forge. I belive that 343 can harness these three contents and make them much better. here are the things I feel should be added to the halo universe.


    1.add dedicated servers to all future halo games, this would be perfect for all halo gamers because it would allow 4 players to be in a theater lobby,allow no lag in 4 player co-op,make MP online feel and play like a MLG LAN connection. would allow custome games to be pushed to 32 players in one lobby so you can have better and bigger machinimas(plus zombies would be AWSOME), they also could make one MP gametype have the 32 players. that game would be invasion, it was a one of the many things reach did right, its a great gametype and imagine with 32 players? it would be great.


    2.If they are going to continue with bungie's amazing Reach engine, there is one thing they need to fix, the impostering system. yeah its a great revolutionary idea for games, but it needs work, alot of it.


    3.Make the armor less marine/average millitary attachments (like grenade straps and spcial knifes or ammo packs) and make the armor more like halo 3 were most of the armor looks badass and not all of it stupid looking for a spartan to use. I do like the armoy ideas though, continue with inovating how many things you can change on your spartan.


    4.I say you probly need to do a little more focusing on firefight maps, they suck in reach. but I can give them the benift of dought since unearthed is really good and 343 made it not bungie.


    5.also please make MLG's life easyer and our competitive gaming experience more fun by adding more symetrical maps. say you have ten maps, make 4 of them symetrical for MLG,make 2 random Asymetrical maps,make 2 invasion,and two big team.(thats if you make only ten i think the best option is to release 15 installed maps to keep things fresh and you can then perfect the DLC like bungie did with halo 3.


    6.DO NOT put kinect into the halo franchise, i understand you guys are part of microsoft, but please dont ruin the best game created since DOOM, Quake and all the other original FPS games.


    7.I have heard rumors that you will be able to "customize" weopons and vehicals......all i have to say is if you DARE make our game like CoD there WILL be hell to pay. Im speaking for the WHOLE community of Halo when i say you will loose us, All the hardcore fans will diminsh and move on, I problly will only buy the game after it reduces price so i can get the story and then i would sell it. Im telling you dont you dare allow us to have custome weopons and vehicals thats STUPID.


    8. also dont put in custome armor for campagin, this would really mess with the story of john. dont get me wrong it was cool for reach, no other halo should have it unless you do another side game like ODST,or somthing like that.


    9.Please make Sprint a button, you have to have watched youstube, or read the forums, or just know from experience. AMROR ABILITYS ARE STUPID. if you disagree with me your not a halo fan, your a 12 year old who spams armor lock,invisability,and jet pack. the evade is ok and the bubble shield is pointless, but sprint is interesting,plus for the button layout is uniqe for it. but we all agree just make sprint a button, dont add armor abillitys, nobody like them and they ruined reach in alot of ways.


    10.I know we all loved duel wielding at one point or another, please put that back in, it is uniqe and fun to do. Also put the 60 round assult rifle back in, or at least have both types of rifles.


    11. make the elites usable for all gametypes again, you know theres a simple fix to them always being stronger right? EDIT THE SYSTEM! lol just make the elites stronger in invasion but make them equal in normal games so its more fare. (also it would be interesting to see elites have the soul capability to duel wield swords, because it would be interesting to see those swords in mahinimas or in custome games. idk it might be somthing interesting but i can live without)


    12.heres the biggest thing and this is directed to Frank O'Conner himself, please make the new trilogy about John's team and finding halsey and mendez(make Sgt. Johnson voice actor mendez voice please). I understand Im a fan and not a producer or developer. I understand that you already did halo 4, and probly started halo 5. but think about what you can do with that story from your book Onyx, it will be beast to see the mystery of that story afterwards.


    13. serve halo right, do right by it and make our favorite game even better than before. thats all we can really demand. do that and you will have me sold. I hope you guys take halo all the way and give it back its title as the greatest game on the planet.


    Feel free to coment or add to my list, i wont opinions from you guys the comunity.(also I would really like to see halo wars 2. it would be interesting to see them make the idea better) I hope you all agree and hopfully 343 will see this post and listen. Frank please im a huge fan and i trust you to make this game amazing.

  20. Hello My name Is Eric and I have been playing halo since I was a little kid in 2001. there have been many changes to halo since then and the biggest ones are custome games, MP, and forge. I belive that 343 can harness these three contents and make them much better. here are the things I feel should be added to the halo universe.


    1.add dedicated servers to all future halo games, this would be perfect for all halo gamers because it would allow 4 players to be in a theater lobby,allow no lag in 4 player co-op,make MP online feel and play like a MLG LAN connection. would allow custome games to be pushed to 32 players in one lobby so you can have better and bigger machinimas(plus zombies would be AWSOME), they also could make one MP gametype have the 32 players. that game would be invasion, it was a one of the many things reach did right, its a great gametype and imagine with 32 players? it would be great.


    2.If they are going to continue with bungie's amazing Reach engine, there is one thing they need to fix, the impostering system. yeah its a great revolutionary idea for games, but it needs work, alot of it.


    3.Make the armor less marine/average millitary attachments (like grenade straps and spcial knifes or ammo packs) and make the armor more like halo 3 were most of the armor looks badass and not all of it stupid looking for a spartan to use. I do like the armoy ideas though, continue with inovating how many things you can change on your spartan.


    4.I say you probly need to do a little more focusing on firefight maps, they suck in reach. but I can give them the benift of dought since unearthed is really good and 343 made it not bungie.


    5.also please make MLG's life easyer and our competitive gaming experience more fun by adding more symetrical maps. say you have ten maps, make 4 of them symetrical for MLG,make 2 random Asymetrical maps,make 2 invasion,and two big team.(thats if you make only ten i think the best option is to release 15 installed maps to keep things fresh and you can then perfect the DLC like bungie did with halo 3.


    6.DO NOT put kinect into the halo franchise, i understand you guys are part of microsoft, but please dont ruin the best game created since DOOM, Quake and all the other original FPS games.


    7.I have heard rumors that you will be able to "customize" weopons and vehicals......all i have to say is if you DARE make our game like CoD there WILL be hell to pay. Im speaking for the WHOLE community of Halo when i say you will loose us, All the hardcore fans will diminsh and move on, I problly will only buy the game after it reduces price so i can get the story and then i would sell it. Im telling you dont you dare allow us to have custome weopons and vehicals thats STUPID.


    8. also dont put in custome armor for campagin, this would really mess with the story of john. dont get me wrong it was cool for reach, no other halo should have it unless you do another side game like ODST,or somthing like that.


    9.Please make Sprint a button, you have to have watched youstube, or read the forums, or just know from experience. AMROR ABILITYS ARE STUPID. if you disagree with me your not a halo fan, your a 12 year old who spams armor lock,invisability,and jet pack. the evade is ok and the bubble shield is pointless, but sprint is interesting,plus for the button layout is uniqe for it. but we all agree just make sprint a button, dont add armor abillitys, nobody like them and they ruined reach in alot of ways.


    10.I know we all loved duel wielding at one point or another, please put that back in, it is uniqe and fun to do. Also put the 60 round assult rifle back in, or at least have both types of rifles.


    11. make the elites usable for all gametypes again, you know theres a simple fix to them always being stronger right? EDIT THE SYSTEM! lol just make the elites stronger in invasion but make them equal in normal games so its more fare. (also it would be interesting to see elites have the soul capability to duel wield swords, because it would be interesting to see those swords in mahinimas or in custome games. idk it might be somthing interesting but i can live without)


    12.heres the biggest thing and this is directed to Frank O'Conner himself, please make the new trilogy about John's team and finding halsey and mendez(make Sgt. Johnson voice actor mendez voice please). I understand Im a fan and not a producer or developer. I understand that you already did halo 4, and probly started halo 5. but think about what you can do with that story from your book Onyx, it will be beast to see the mystery of that story afterwards.


    13. serve halo right, do right by it and make our favorite game even better than before. thats all we can really demand. do that and you will have me sold. I hope you guys take halo all the way and give it back its title as the greatest game on the planet.


    Feel free to coment or add to my list, i wont opinions from you guys the comunity.(also I would really like to see halo wars 2. it would be interesting to see them make the idea better) I hope you all agree and hopfully 343 will see this post and listen. Frank please im a huge fan and i trust you to make this game amazing.

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