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  1. I do not think Halo 4 is like COD as well, all though I do think that these really big un-symmetrical maps kind of brings the COD style of game play where people don't use their brains before making choices which I do not like. And to sshers1 I am aware that they are bringing in the skill based ranking system early this year, which I am very happy about, I just want it to be in Halo 5 as well, haha. And NatoCaloGaming I do not think sprint is necessarily a bad feature, I just do not think it is appropriate for all playlists and/or maps. For bigger maps I could agree that sprint is a great feature but for maps like Haven I do not like it, it makes it way too easy for people to avoid face-to-face battles (in my opinion). I would just like to see smaller, more symmetrical maps, simpler maps, and some matchmaking playlists that had said maps with no sprint. But I agree, taking sprint out of the game completely probably isn't a good idea. And personally, I enjoy personal load-outs a great deal, I just wish the weapons were more balanced, but knowing 343 come time the weapons will be balanced out.
  2. In Halo 5 I would like to see a lot more symmetrical maps, I am tired of big scattered maps that are impossible to learn the callouts for, I miss the good-ole days of maps such as Lockout, Guardian, and just any small semi- symmetrical or symmetrical map. The gameplay on such maps was much more coordinated, it required skill and teamwork instead of COD style gameplay. Bring back a competitive ranking system for the love of God, nothing was more addicting than trying to get to the next rank, but it required actually winning, not just playing, even if doing horrible. Now, I wish sprint did not exist, it speeds up the gameplay way too much, instead of people planning out their next step they just run around like maniacs and rush whoever they can, it gets tedious when people aren't thinking about what they are doing in the game. Thoughts?
  3. I love the direction that 343 has taken Halo 4, to me it is the best Halo experience since Halo 2. But I would love to see a Halo 2 anniversary that is exactly as Halo 2 was. I want the same menu screens, the ame music, the same weapons, I want everything just as it was with just better graphics. In fact, if 343 could just some how reboot the old Halo 2 servers, I would not mind that either. But I would love to see a Halo 2 anniversary, but give the fans what they want, Halo 2 to the T. But on another note, I would very well like to see individual playlist ranks like Halo 2 had, that made the game super addicting, always striving to get to that 50 kept people coming back, I want to se that in Halo 4's NEAR future.
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