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Fox McCloud

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Posts posted by Fox McCloud

  1. Its hard for a halo fan to write and post this words talking like this about halo but is the thruth. Since the first time i played Halo CE when i was a kid i loved it i didnt understud anything of it because i talk spanish but i loved it and i became a halo fan buyng all the halo games books and other things,

    I remember the Halo Reach - Halo 4 Period everybody was talking bad of 343 eccept me because they didnt stole halo from bungie they bought the game to bungie so i was happy because halo wasnt dead but now the point of view is diferent.

    The most thing that i like from halo is it history the universe is maybe as big as the one of star wars and i enjoyed each level of campaing in the other halo games but this time it was diferent the first levels where like kind of interesting but the other ones became boring at one point that i only wanted to end the campaing for respect to the game.

    Finally when i ended the campaing i start playing infinity online but it was absurd costume classes? Calling suport? i thought i was playing halo not call of duty the first days of playing online wher funny new maps but with the time they became boring and this dosent mean they are boring because they are old they are boring because they are not good maps because halo reach hade the same maps and didnt get bored 

    Then another deseption NO WORLD OF FORGE? yes i try to play it in forge but it wasnt there so i think WTF? in my opinion the forge world is not only the hugest map of halo is an monument to HALO because if you played halo ce it has a desert map that is inclueded in forge world and it wasnt in halo 4 there are too many others bad things about halo 4 but i speak sanish so i cant express my self so well 


    You did a great job expressing yourself.

  2. Yeah jetpack is wack. I played alot of reach and now 4 and honestly ive never realized how annoying it is. Mostly since when i die from a jetpacking person they have rockets, inc cannon, plasma pistol, AR, railgun, boltshot, supressors, needlers, and idk what other noob gun to name.

    It just is a pest that is just in the game for people to say to themselves, "i always wanted to be a pigeon with a gun."

    I agree with the whole grenade thing too, like when a grenade is supposed to kill the damed guy and hes "4ft" ^^^^ above the ground he still survives, and with the AA suport its rediculous.

    I use thrust and its just because we are basically forced to conform with AA and its my best one.....nough said.


  3. I am going to give the opportunity to the forum to ask me questions, yes the real Fox McCloud. (This isn't based off "The Director") I am going to do this because I do get Private messages that are asking for advice or just want tips. Or question the superiority of my awesome name.

    *Rules for this service include:*

    -No inappropriate questions

    -No Sexual content

    -No questions that you wouldn't ask the Mod team

    Other than that enjoy McCloud's advice. I will hopefully enjoy doing this, and hopefully this will bring the forum together. post-47531-0-73746800-1366323677_thumb.jpg

    By the way, you can ask anytime. I will try to get back with you as soon as possible.

    I am willing to reward the people who ask me a question that I miss. It can't be impossible to answer, what I mean by that is it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes for me to answer. I will give a surprise out to all winners.

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