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Posts posted by DocSpartanO07

  1. But we would need to download all 7 maps to reach if we wanted all of the multiplayer maps together, which means ill be spending 12 hours downloading that map pack. And using half of my monthly Data allowence. I hate verizon.


    Why will you need to download anything? You put in the Disk, and PLAY REACH MULTIPLAYER. They have put out that the TU is to make it all work.

  2. the point is to educate them on how NOT to be a n00b


    Ok, even tho I wasnt asking you....


    Define "noob". I, being around for awhile, thought it meant someone new to something...in this case, Halo. What if a 8yr old has been playing reach since release day? Would he still be "new"? My 8yr old son has been playing since release day, and was playing H3 on release day.....if he jumped on H3 right now and owned you in a bad way, would you call him a "noob" as well? What about my 3yr old son, he has been playing Reach since it dropped. He just made Captain, is he a "noob"? I do know that when the 8yr old got that kiltac on team slayer, he pissed some people off. Just like the 3yr old did when he got that tripple.....I am not saying they are Pro level players, but dang, they can take people by surprise.

  3. I just want to own all the eight year old kids online and show them how halo should be played, with the good old weapons.


    Um, are you an adult? If you are, wanting to "own" eight year old children on a video game is just weird. Do you feel threatened by them? Can you not win a MP game against them on Reach or H3? I am strangely confused...

  4. I'm expecting a good game. But they have to take the time, and they have to do it carefully!

    I know, there are many people with different likes and dislikes, so they should try to satisfy every kind of player.

    For the chillers

    For the competitive players etc.


    Thats the thing...I read far too often "If its not exactly like xxxx, I am not buying it". Grow up people, do you really think 343i is going to spend millions of dollars developing a game that only suits a small group of people? Nope.


    Its sad...343i is trying to make a large number of people happy. Point is, there will be good things and bad things. I take the good with the bad, nothing is ever perfect.

  5. Reach Kid! Sorry, guys like you destroyed Halo. Halo without a BR is not Halo. Like we said: H3 weapons and more!



    First of all, I am not a Kid. There is a pretty good chance I have more experience at life and Halo then you ever will. Second.....NONE OF US MADE HALO:REACH. So, don't bother trying to blame any of us for your dislike of a game, grow up, it just makes you look stupid. With your logic, CE isn't Halo.....it didn't have a BR.


    When you learn how to make an intelligent statement, and you hit puberty, feel free to debate this subject with me.

  6. True, but still reach isnt near as fun as halo 3 for me, after about 3 or 4 matches i get bored and annoyed and just stop playing, reach is for newer players, theres no way to denie they made it less skillful and easier to play so they could get more players, and i just plain out dont like that


    I can deny it. I can also spell Deny correctly. They didn't make the game less skillful, it just plays different than H3. It wasn't easy for some people to get used to the play style of Reach. People that are good at Reach are not "easy" to beat at it. Players that play Reach like they played H3...easy.

  7. Equipment didnt ruin h3 in any way, it didnt really get used anyway unless it was a drop sheild or a regenerator, and armor abilites changed the formula of halo and thats why so many people are against it, idk if you even know just exactly HOW MANY people played halo befroe reach, h2 was like 500000 and up for the longest time, h3 had a steady million until the release of CoD4 and still almost two years later it had 300000 people online every day, know look at reach, hasnt even been out for a year yet and barley breaks 150000 even on the weekends, shouldnt that tell you something?



    Um...I am referring to what was said at the time each game dropped. Not what people say NOW. H2 was destroyed by the community when it was released, so was H3 and so was Reach. Every time a new halo is released, the community runs it's collective mouth about what is wrong with it, not what is good about it. Funny thing is....people still played all of them and they sold like mad.

  8. This is a pointless question....343i stated that CEA is using the original engine along with a second engine to remap the graphics. Thats why you can change to the old look on the fly. The MP maps will use the Reach Engine, and thats pretty typical considering the player base it makes sense to give them a cookie.

  9. Jesus....another one of these threads.... CE is OVER. Things change, its the way it is. People said the BR ruined H2 when it dropped, Equipment ruined H3 and AA's ruined Reach. Now people are already saying the MP maps will ruin CEA and are already condemning H4. Way to go people. Maybe someday in the future, 343i will just get sick of everyone's constant belly aching about everything they do and just stop making games all together and we can just play COD.

  10. Perks is fun and interesting, but it only fits for games where you die fast.

    It would ruin halo.

    But seriously guys, AA`s is not COD. COD does not have jet pack, evade or active camo.

    What you are doing is that if you do not like anything, you call it "COD".

    You use it just like a curse word, its not a curse word. Its the name of a game(and a fish) that it is not so good as the one you are playing.

    Battlefield fanboys does the same, we most stop with that.


    So stop saying that armor abilities belongs to cod, because it doesn't. Rather say that it does not fit the halo gameplay you remember.


    I think AA`s should be in certain playlists and in costume games, in that way everybody gets their will.


    I agree with you on this one. The problem is...99% of people are selfish and narrow minded. If they cant have the game 100% their way....and to hell with anyone else, they say it sucks. What they are to simple minded to realize is that if they get their way, the sales of the game will diminish and the franchise will die, you have to keep developing games that appeal to a large range of people or the developer will make no profit and they will be forced to kill the franchise. 343i has to make this game accommodate more than just a hand full of people.

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