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Ollie Kinsey

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Round up of all the problems i've had felt needed raising 1.) Complex wall glitch, its just annoying, im sure everyones aware of this by now so will be patched soon 2.) XP limit, there is no need to punish those who wish to put more time into the game, and because of this limit people arent earning their monthly challenge XP either, im trying to hold back on completing that so it gets fixed, however im not so sure it will 3.) Playlists are very limited. What we have at the moment is fine for now, and i dont feel the need to rush out new ones right this second, though there are a few i feel that should have been on launch day such as assault (which to note isnt even in custom games). As well as variations on current playlists, for example team doubles, team objective, even griffball if need be for some variation. 4.) this one isnt such a huge issue, but concerned me as i had a great idea for a custom game type which doesn't work as a result of what i think is a bug. However, when a game of flood is set to 1 life only and only 1 flood begins, and is killed, the game doesnt end after their death. Which i cant understand why it would be. These are all the ones on the top of my head but im sure more will arise as time goes on and exploits are found
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