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Everything posted by alec2002

  1. Yeah I would love Deadeye too, but no other people seem to want to give it away even for Locus! It is a really cool helmet, but if you get one, I will trade you my extra Locus code if you would like.
  2. Haha yeah the horn thing makes it look like a unicorn. It also came with a unicorn emblem too, so that makes it seem like the unicorn look was the main goal of the helmet itself.
  3. I would love to trade my spare LOCUS helmet code for a DEADEYE helmet code. Please message me on here or on XBOX LIVE at alec2002 if you are interested in the trade!
  4. Okay, so I am looking to expand my armory and Deadeye is the last helmet I need that was available as pre-order only. I have an extra LOCUS helmet code and I will take any offer that involves the Deadeye helmet. I will trade my extra LOCUS helmet code.
  5. Hey I have a Locus helmet! I would love to trade for deadeye!
  6. I will trade my extra Locus code of you will give me a Deadeye code.
  7. alec2002

    Locus helmet

    I have an extra Locus helmet code. I will give it to you for a Deadeye helmet.
  8. alec2002


    Hey I have an extra Locus code but I will only trade it for a Deadeye helmet. And that King of the Hill stuff is not worth the time.
  9. What is your gamer tag? It is not easy to get it from the app, you have to play at 711 or something that is a waste of time.
  10. I will trade my extra Locus helmet code for a Deadeye helmet code! If you are interested please message me on XBOX LIVE at alec2002.
  11. I will trade my extra Locus helmet code for a Deadeye helmet code. Message me on Live at alec2002.
  12. Okay, I really want a Deadeye helmet. I will trade my extra Locus helmet code. If you are interested please message me on Xbox Live. GT alec2002.
  13. I will trade my extra Locus for your Deadeye! Message me on Live at alec2002.
  14. I will trade my extra Locus for your Deadeye!
  15. I have an extra Locus code!!!!! Hit me up on Live at alec2002!!! PLEASE!
  16. Hey I really want Deadeye! I will trade my extra Locus for your Deadeye!
  17. Dang. Can you get your hands on a Deadeye helmet code. I have an extra Locus helmet code if you are willing to obtain and trade a Deadeye helmet code.
  18. alec2002

    Fotus and Locus

    If you can get your hands on a Deadeye helmet code, I will trade you my extra Locus helmet code.
  19. I have what you need. I have an extra Locus helmet code and I will trade only for the Deadeye helmet code. Message me on Live at alec2002.
  20. I will trade my extra Locus Helmet code for Deadeye!!!!!! Message me on Live at alec2002
  21. Hey, I will trade you the GUNGNIR PULS armor skin for the Locus Helmet! My GT on Live is alec2002, or email me at [email protected]
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