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Vehicle Destroyer

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Posts posted by Vehicle Destroyer




    DUST 514 is a massive online first person shooter, where you play to get better gear, fight for your own personal, and team gain. Every decision you make, every decision everyone makes effects everyone else in the game, I am not saying your current game, I mean long term for every single player online. Oh you don't want to prestiege on Call of Duty or you will lose your stuff? Well guys, you may not want to die in this game, or you lose your gun, and all other gear that you have prepared for that specific clone. This is a massive war, a war that will take place online 23/7 (the one offline hour is for server maintenance). The sheer size of this game can not be explained through sheer text, or even words, its unbelievable. The game sizes are being adjusted and are currently 16 on 16 matches, and soon they may be even larger.


    DUST 514 is only in Open Beta at the moment to test out for small bugs. The real game will have constant free updates, improving graphics, gameplay, skills, and adding different things that include; weapons, character editing, and also free roam in the pregame "lobby" to meet up with other DUST 514 players, and also to meet up with EVE online players as well. Although that comes after the open Beta, the Beta still effects the war, and also your skills and money in the future with the real game. But, how do you choose a side? You join a corporation, which is part of a faction that's at war. A few veterans and myself need gamers who are willing to play the hardest console game to ever be released on a console. If you would like to be a part of this, or have any questions please feel free to inbox or leave a response.



    Now here is a video of what is to be expected before you ever touch down and put yourself in harms way.

    This video goes through character preparation and may cover some questions that may arise.



    -Chad Schilling

    -Elementalists Corp.


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  2. Seems to me its like a console/computer aimed for steam games in particular, not other games (so computer stuffs) and if I read right, fits in the palm of my hand? well this sounds like a pocket sized desk top computer almost, or mobile hard drive with 1 TB of memory..... this ladies and gents, can possibly be the coolest thing ever

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  5. This is a recruitment message for the clan SIN or Safety In Numbers. We are looking for dedicated recruits, for a more layed back, but very organized clan. The clan is simple, we ask that you do talk to the clan, and we all get along. Just a few requirements however. 1) Have a mic. 2) Be mature. 3) Sorry kids, but no "Squeakers" 4) be at least an SR30 (Which shouldn't be much as of today November 29). 5) Please have a good KD, sorry, if you are super negative we can not allow you. But please still inquire, some people have a bad KD and are still amazing at the game.

    Here real soon we will be starting GameBattles, MLG games, and tournaments. This will be when we get more members and can start branching off. We at the moment do have within SIN tournaments, members only. These are hosted by the Founder and Leader xSIN KAMENx. If you have any questions however, will ask that you message myself "SIN Ghodai" or have anything to inquire or say about the clan.

    As always posting in the topic forum, or leaving a private message to me is fine. Again, we are Strength In Numbers.

    -SIN Ghodai

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  6. So every time I go to the Theater section on Halo 4 I cannot watch any films because it says "One or more player's Online Safety Settings do not allow access. Member Content must be set to Everyone to use this feature".


    I went to xbox.com and signed in and changed the member content setting to everyone, and have signed in and out multiple times and it still wont let me use theater.


    Anybody have a solution?

    is it just you in theatre?

  7. First of all, the Halo mechanics are really solid and I like them. There is a couple flaws and I'll address them.



    Absolutely hate it. Get rid of it. There's no reason a player should be able to instantly respawn and kill the player that just killed them. This is especially annoying on small open maps like Relay or Abandoned. This is definitely a flaw.



    I would like to see consistent, organized weapon drops. Not random weapons. This was a big thing in Halo competitively. Map control is ruined by random weapon spawns.



    The DMR wrecks. The BR fire rate just can't kill a dmr in a fair battle. Enough said, I favor the DMR personally anyways.



    If a player has a power weapon and accidently picks up the flag hes pretty screwed. I wouldn't mind this feature as much if you had an option to DROP THE FLAG. There's is no more flag running and this makes me upset especially.

    They also need to regulate the power weopons (Bolt shot I consider one ._.) just remove the anger weopons

  8. Yeah I totally agree with this idea. There should be a tun of covanant and humans that are infected and they are comming after you and it should take place in the multiplayer maps. Not just maps made out for thet game mode already. I'm just shouting out my ideas.

    forgable. Just make a safe zone (where they are not allowed to spawn) and in that zone you make a base. See how long you can hold out... Points get ammo and guns... The more powerfull the more points :D and then points can buy power up and ordanance as well!!!

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