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Everything posted by BAbadger

  1. 1. This is titled "343 Please Make Changes (edit out the COD from Halo 4)" yet the first thing you go over is not included in call of duty. Call of Duty does not feature the ability to get ahead by killing the top player. The reason it is not the general FFA gametype is because it wasn't meant to be. You are looking at it the negative way. If you say it sucks because the best player in the game doesn't always win because he dies a lot, you simply contradict yourself. 2. Ordincance drops are not killstreaks, as you can obtain them from any points. It gives the person who can only get assists the chance to get some kills rather than just getting assists. It makes an assist that much more worth it while COD will only reward you for kills regardless of the effort you put into helping your team. 3. The true skill rank is good, however it causes the incapability to unlock things. Therefore loadouts, armor, armor abilities, specializations, and pretty much everything there is to look forward to in the game get tossed out the window. Also, the true skill rank was abused quite a bit. I recall seeing many people boosting to get their ranks higher, and as soon as that happens the entire system becomes flawed. So it gives you nothing to look forward to and it might not even work. I don't know how that sounds better at all. I haven't been in a game yet where the skill levels were a complete blowout to where one team would lose with only a few kills. You say COD is too balanced to where horrible players can still do well because they play with other bad players yet you insist that matching people with other similarly skilled people in Halo would be nothing like COD.If you are worried about the competitiveness of the game, why not just outscore all of the people in your match, which will earn you more xp and therefore increase your rank at a faster rate. If you just want to show the other players how good you are they do have service records. So please spread the word about complaining, which is stop. There really isn't very much to complain about. 343 had a tough time making this game, and many people thought they would screw everything up, but if you play the game with a positive attitude towards it, you might realize just how high 343 set the bar. Seriously, 343 did great, as you said "the weak will die off", and I see this post as you saying you are dying. I would have to wonder why... Another thing: NONE OF THIS WOULD BE A SIMPLE FIX! You are talking about completely eliminating a number of things millions of dollars were spent on putting there. I don't think you understand, that eliminating all sources of the rank system and adding another one through updates is very difficult and would be very buggy since it is not programmed in the game previously. I disagree with this entire post, and I believe the game is great as it is. Keep on keeping on 343.
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