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Everything posted by MorphGroups

  1. the biggest concern for 343 right now is keeping the fans playing. This current system is not set up for maintaining interest like the win/lose lvl system does. The only worthwhile primary like stinky said is dmr/br. great addition of the throw ability in oddball. very clever. dominion is interestingly unique but most games end up being spawn camped or spawn camping. more intricate, defendable, evolving bases would counter that..
  2. Weapons on map added co-operation and teamwork to shoot em up gametypes like team slayer.
  3. I've played approx. 10,000 - 15,000 matches of the halo sega for 12 years. Enough to confidently say what halo should consider fixing/looking at Level system - this wound has been picked endlessly but halo's series was founded on its competitive nature and goal to achive. You cared when you lost! 1-50 needs it return, It's Halo 4, reach died for a reason. Apparently they bring the halo 2 ranking system back. Search preferences: Where did they go? I was getting in consecutive europe-North american games and its brutally disadvantageous. Dmr is noticeably more effective than any other primary at 15 or more feet. Saw is overpowered: you can kill 3-5 spartans on one clip. Storm rifle and carbine are clearly under-powered. Boltshot is arguably over-power at close range. These are just a few things ive noticed I'm sure many others share my opinions but i'd be happy to hear what the community thinks about it. Oh and Double Team needs its return! im sure half the community agrees.. =)
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