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Status Replies posted by TornadoFlame

    1. TornadoFlame


      Oh wow Sorry i just saw this picture and Wow looks cool. xD i got my name from legend of legaia :P



  1. AC2 is out for free now. :) Its on games on demand.

  2. Apart from Russia, Xbox One does not have support for any asian countries. Nice! Wonder how many japanese people are gonna bundle to Halo Waypoint again.

    1. TornadoFlame


      its ok sony will happyly accept us :) they had 6 years and they can only give xbox one to 21 countries? Guess my friends in the service can't get one now.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  3. Xbox One only works in those 21 states?! This is utterly ridiculous. I live on a U.S. territory, not even a state. There is no way I'm buying that pile of scrap now.

    1. TornadoFlame


      mircosoft might be stupid but there not THAT stupid clearly its fake. Lol.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. Xbox One only works in those 21 states?! This is utterly ridiculous. I live on a U.S. territory, not even a state. There is no way I'm buying that pile of scrap now.

  5. After hearing that castle map pack is another big team map pack I have to admit I'm disappointed. I don't know whether it's just me but I'm really missing small maps. I'm aware that the most played playlist is BTB but i feel that 343 is neglecting the fans that like smaller competitive maps, what really gets to me though it that they don't inroduce any small arena style maps from forge either so the competitive community it stuck on the same maps over and over again. A...

    1. TornadoFlame


      it should always be 1 small mid big or 2 small 1 big -.- but don't worry these are maps that were made when the game came out there just milking more.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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