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Posts posted by DaviesGaming

  1. You have played it for an hour and then come on and say it is absolute rubbish, the sound and the way it looks it crap? Way to go man, this must be the quickest I've seen someone jump on and complain about it. Without playing the campaign aswell.


    The sound is without a doubt one of the best sounding games I've ever heard.


    As for the graphics, the are really really good for what the 360 has to offer with its really out of date hardware. It has got to be one of the best looking games available on console.


    The gameplay...is halo, what more can you ask?

  2. I loved it.


    The single player was fun, interesting and had a really good storyline. It was new, though the ending was great and yet **** at the same time(for obvious reasons)


    The multiplayer is great fun aswell. The new additions such as ordinance works extremely well. And it still feels like Halo.


    A few nit-picks though.


    Their is no option to turn down the in-game audio which is a bit idiotic not to have one of the base simple things that EVERY game should have. It is constantly the one volume. Their is no stats for win/loss together but there is for kill/death.

  3. H4 CoD elements: Instant respawn, joining a game thats already started (when losing), loadouts, no neutral weapons on the map, kill streaks (ordinance), no quick-scopes (bc we stay zoomed) and killcams. I know Halo is Halo and CoD is CoD. It just seems to me that theyre making it more user friendly (like CoD). I love this game over all though. Specifically joining a game thats already started gets at me the most out of these elements. I really dont understand joining a game when Im already losing 550-200. I only mentioned the others to show there is CoD elements in H4. lmk whatcha think


    The instant respawn is a choice, one of which I approve. You do not need to use it.


    Join In Progress has it's advantages and disadvantages. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but I can't fault them for including it.


    loadouts - most games have some sort of loadout. To say that it's a CoD element only is a little idiotic imo.


    Their are neutral weapon spawns on the map. It is only super-weapons because the other's are available in the loadouts.


    Ordinance - They have done this right at least. They haven't put in anything that is over-powered. People are used to the overshields and power weapons anyway. I actually like the Ordinance in this.


    how is no-quick scopes a CoD thing? You can quick scope like nothing else in that game and even no scope is easier. No-Scoping and quick-scoping have been a part of Halo since the days of Halo 2 (multiplayer wise) You just need to click the scope after your shot.


    I agree that the killcams are useless, but CoD wasn't the first game to have Killcams I'm sure of it. Plus, the killcams in Halo 4 are broken, most of the time not actually showing what happens.


    But Halo does not feel like CoD because the gameplay is still Halo. And the things that change the gameplay, feel right at home in CoD because of the way they have done things.

  4. For those who is going to say that the 'JIP' system should be removed. Let me tell you something:


    The past Halo games are known to lack any sort of 'Join Session in Progress', causing teams to be very imbalanced. Then, you have people that quit matches due to legitimate or illegitimate reasons. Halo: Reach matchmaking was very imbalanced because of the lack of a join session in progress feature. I'm sure it's not because of a net code issue, but because Bungie are too damn lazy to implement the feature. Instead, they decide to create an even more broken feature called the 'quit ban'. Basically, the game is working as a truancy officer and punishing you if you don't finish games. Not only was this useless, but was also broken. Anyone can sit out a 10-minute ban, join matchmaking again, and continue imbalancing teams. At first, I was with this idea, but until I realized just punishing people for a game they don't technically have to play is just plain dumb.


    The 'join session in progress' is useful because it rebalances teams who have been shortened due to quitters. Yes, it has some disadvantages in it that I'm sure 343i will fix, but this is what Halo should be like. Halo: Reach and Halo 3 failed because Bungie failed to realize the correct solution to quitters. Quitters shouldn't receive any form of punishment other than a dock of credits (or rank). This was like being banned from Mcdonalds because you failed to finish your half-eaten Big Mac. These games are NOT truancy officers. It sucks now that developers are failing to implement the appropriate solution to certain gameplay issues instead of creating virtual gaming guidelines for players to follow.


    Without a 'Join Session In Progress' feature, the matchmaking system would be completely broken and quitters would just cause other people to give up and quit the game themselves because it's unfair how the other team has more players than the other.


    So if you're going to say that the Join Session In Progress is going to be removed, you have virtual gaming issues. Thank You.


    So you think that it's fairer to have people join a game where they are losing badly? Or that it's the end of the match? Or a number of different unfair scenarios that have been described.

  5. i see the pros and cons but id have to say the pros are better this allows friends to have fun more quickly not to mention if your team leaves you have a fighting chance. iv only joined a game at the end once so i dont find it to be a big deal. and lets face it every fps has this now a days halo needed to get outof the stone age.


    It has happened to me a lot more than once, so it may just be down to my luck.


    I don't think that not having JIP is being part of the stone age at all. It still has it's place in today's games.

  6. I haven't seen any threads complaining about this yet. I don't know if I've just not noticed them or not. But I'm making the assumption that there isn't. So before that happens, I thought I'd post something that's been on my mind for a few days, and hopefully I don't come across as a little whiny baby.


    Join in Progress matches. Why were they added in? I can see the obvious advantages of having them, such as:


    -Less of a wait for games as you do not need to wait for a full lobby and pick the map.

    -keeps the games populated so that if people leave, it doesn't end in unbalanced teams.

    -allows people to join in the games of their friends if there is space.


    These are the obvious advantages to JIP matches, and I can see why they can be appealing to developers. Allowing games to stay populated to the fullest, and being able to join your friends etc. And at times, it can be a good thing. Maybe if you join a game and it has just started, so both teams are pretty much around the same score. And if they aren't, there is enough time for you to maybe change that.


    However, one of the many many things I loved about Halo was that you got a full game, from the very start. And yes you did sometimes get the unbalanced teams if someone left, but for the most part the games stayed full. It was something that made it stand above the rest for me. Playing from start to finish is much more enjoyable than halfway through till the end. For half of the game, you did not make any impact at all.


    The disadvantages to having JIP are:


    -You could join a game with only a few kills remaining. So it is an annoyance joining a game, then having to wait for the next one.

    -You could be joining a game where your team is losing badly, and therefore you have 1 more loss on your record. AND it isn't fun being destroyed because people have left.

    -There is a reason people are leaving the game. Sure some of them have a proper excuse such as real life things. But some times they might be leaving because they are getting spawn trapped horribly(though I'm not sure if this can happen or not, haven't seen it), or the enemy team have control of all of the vehicles and it isn't fun.

    -You might get thrown into a map that you absolutely hate.


    And there may be more disadvantages than this, but these are the only ones that come to mind just now.


    It is really the one thing I hate about other FPS. I'm estimating that most of the time, you will be joining a game in progress where you are losing, because one of the most frequent reasons for people leaving is that they are getting destroyed and do not find it fun.


    What do you guy's think? Do you think the JIP is a good or a bad thing in Halo 4?

    • Like 2
  7. So, if I complain about the plasma pistol being overpowered, that means I'm right?


    The whole point to constructively analyzing/complaining about a game is to logically arrive at a conclusion, supported by deductive or fact-supported evidence. If a dev team operated based on how many people complained about X item, that would be a pretty stupid game, don't you think?


    Although, ironically, I think there's some truth in your statement. Personally, I think a lot guns in general are a little powerful, and adds to the already overly fast paced environment.


    Yeah sure Devs dont want everyone to complain about their game. But surely if theirs complaints about every weapon it means that their is truly nothing to complain about.

  8. Trust me, yes we have. He is very sarcastic and reminds of Cortana sometimes. Whenever you'll read the books you'll se what I mean.


    Hm, wel I'll be cautiously optimistic about it then. But it will be difficult for me to accept him, until I read the books.


    Though I'm not sure about the sarcasm. Baird from Gears is very sarcastic and I loathed him with a passion.

  9. My 2 complaints are.


    1. No Audio slider option where you can turn the ingame volume down.


    2. showing you armor that you can wear, thinking that you had unlocked it, then realising that you haven't and then feeling that you aren't good enough.


    :D These are only little things that have made me sad face a little, but you dont let them bother you that much because the game is still a beast!


    Stop focusing on the little annoyances. EVERY game has a few.

  10. I was an avid Halo fan prior to this game being released. I played every halo game up until Halo 3. I used to play Halo 3 for hours. The game was amazing. Upon hearing Halo 4 was coming out, I was excited and pre-ordered from Amazon. I thought Halo 4 was going to be like Halo 3 and the past games.


    Boy, was I wrong.


    Multiplayer on Halo 4 consists of one thing and one thing only, the Battle rifle. The BR has made this game impossible to play because if you do not want to use that particular gun, you are screwed. In Halo 3 I used the assault rifle and was pretty darn good with it. In halo 4, I can't get any momentum because after a battle with a player, I am hit from across the level and killed with the battle rifle.


    I will, most likely, be returning this game for these reasons:


    1. The battle rifle is the only weapon that can be used in the game. If you are not proficient with the battle rifle, you will never be able to get kills. 90% of the time I get a kill in the game, I get killed from the opposite side of the level with the battle rifle.


    2. There are only four multiplayer maps for slayer. I guess because of the day and age we live in, everyone wants you to buy more maps so game companies can make more money but to sell a game with only four maps is ridiculous. What is the replay value of the game if there are only four games? I guess the creators want me to spend my money on more maps instead of giving me some from the beginning.


    3. The assist system. I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly killed someone only to have another player take the kill away from me. Sure, this happened in the old halo games, but because of the new Halo 4's overpowering of the Battle Rifle, kills get pilfered from me more often than not. Normally, my game stats look like this 11-9-13. How in the world can I get 9 assists in a game CONSTANTLY? I can understand from time to time but it happens nearly every game.


    4. The lack of close battles anymore. It feels as though I am always getting battle rifled from across the level. The joy of Halo in the past was the close range battles. Sure, there was sniping from time to time, but EVERY player was not using a battle rifle.


    5. Allowing battle rifles to be used as a basic option for your load out. I remember when, if you wanted to battle rifle you had to find the gun and then use it. If you died, you had to either find another battle rifle or pick up the gun you previously used. Now, when you die you get the battle rifle back immediately.


    6. The lack of options to play non-battle rifle games/swords/pistols. I remember a lot of the fun of Halo 3 was the games that were swords only. Where did this go? In Halo 4 there is no option. All I have is pick one of the four available maps and play.


    [Yes, I know some games like the larger team games, etc. have larger maps, but when did it become okay to release a game that had maps for only portions of the game. Maybe I only want to play slayer? Or free for all. Do I really only get the option of four games].


    Sadly, this game will most likely be returned and I do not think I will be returning to a 343 led Halo in the future.


    1. The battle-rifle is certainly not the only viable weapon. I have used the AR for quite a while, and it really does work when you are in its effective range. The DMR can compete with the BR if you hit your shots, so can the Carbine. I have yet to use the Promethean weapons, but I think they will be pretty much the same thing. It's all about when you use it, and how effectively you use it.


    If you don't mind me saying, you sound like another cry-baby because his AR can be countered, even though it is still extremely viable. You say you have played every Halo game up to Halo 3. That must mean you played Halo 2. And in Halo 2, the BR was the go to weapon for any situation, the Halo 4 BR is a shadow of it in comparison.


    2. 4 maps that work for the Slayer gametype. Overall their is a good choice of maps. It would take longer that the maps could work for every game type. Some will be too large, so that if you play Infinity Slayer, the games become about that sitting back in long range. That is why some of the maps are not available. The maps you see for infinity slayer were designed for smaller amount of players. I know I would personally prefer to have 4 maps that worked, than 8maps when 4 of them didn't.


    3. Please, not this whole "OMG N00BZ YOU STOLE MY KILLZ!" thing. If you play Infinity Slayer, please remember that it's a team game. If you do not want to get assists, play FFA. In a team game your number 1 objective is to help the team win.p


    4. Their are plenty of close battles. Though if you play Big Team Infinity Slayer, the chances are the close battles are going to be less frequent, that is when you look at other game types to find those battles you are wanting.


    5. Again, this is Halo 3 talking here. Halo 2 is when Battle-Rifles were pretty much what people started off with (in custom games anyway, cant remember what you started out with in MatchMaking) I really don't see the reason for your argument. Yes you do spawn back with the BR, but all of the others are also very viable if you actually take the time to use them and not whine because you died.


    6. Yeah, maybe if you played Action-Sack or other gametypes that weren't so serious. In the slayer gametype, you never ever got a game-mode like that. It was always the DMR or the AR (or the covenant equivalent) that you started out with.


    Generally this is what I get from your post.


    "BR is OP, KillStealers are annoying, No comical loadouts, BR OP."

  11. I actually hope Cortana doesn't come back. As much as I loved her character and the Master Chief being the invincible, unstoppable super-soldier, the time has come for things to change. Otherwise the story gets stale, gets repetitive, gets boring. For this trilogy to top the original trilogy in terms of story, the threat can't just be to humanity generally this time. It has to be a threat to the Master Chief personally. There has to be not just the chance, but the very real possibility that he can fail. What better way to set that up than by having him fail to protect the person closest to him?


    On another level, I want this trilogy to end with the Master Chief finally getting some measure of personal peace. He's been fighting (or training to fight) for almost literally his entire life. It's time he gets to see the other side of life. But in order for that to happen, he has to come face to face with his own humanity. He has to feel things he's never felt before, he has to think things he's never thought before. He has to start questioning both who he is and, almost more importantly, what he is. And the best way to do that is what 343 actually did.


    For the Master Chief to evolve and become something more than the perfect soldier, things cannot go back to the way they were. At the very least, Cortana cannot come back in Halo 5 and if/when she does come back in Halo 6, she absolutely cannot come back exactly the way she was before. She needs to change as well, although not to quite the same degree John does.

    I can see where you are coming from, but it is a risk. I still think they should bring Cortana back and keep your suggestion. This whole thing could be achieved because of what has happened.


    They already have, his name is B.B. or Black Box. You'll meet him in Glasslands and Thursday War


    I'm not sure when I'll be able to read the novels. I have quite a lot to read before them.


    But from the point of view of someone who hasn't read them(and even those people who will not read them) Nobody can beat Cortana. And even though this B.B could be better and more likeable, people have only seen the writings of him, and haven't experience him in a way like they have experience Cortana.

  12. Hey,


    I've been playing Matchmaking for quite some time and I've had a little pet peeves in it. However, I will not go as far as to say that 343 completely dropped the world's greatest poop over the game, but there can be some improvements. I mean, the game is relatively new and they can always throw updates at us, fixing stuff, right? I made this thread for us to list what we'd like to see changed, but like, in 1 thread. Not a thousand. Please do not say, "the whole game" because if you do not like the game, maybe you should lay off of FPS for a bit.


    Here's my list and reasoning why, please follow a similar format so it can be comprehensible, I'm interested in knowing everyone's opinions just out of curiosity to know if I'm not alone on this:


    Guns: The Assault Rifle is OP as hell. I don't mean this from the perspective that I get ripped when facing an enemy using it only, because I'll admit, I do. I mean that whenever even I use it too, I rip enemies apart too fast. I think it should be brought down a tad bit, along with the Battle Rifle. The DMR should require a bit more shot placement as it did in Halo: Reach. I've had to hop on Reach a few times over again just because I miss the old... having to require skill part of the game.


    Shields: People die way too fast in these matches without even having to lob off headshots all the time. I shoot someone in the foot, they die. In the hand, they die. Their shields drop too fast with little bullets at expense and absolutely no shot placement needed. Up the shields a bit maybe? This isn't CoD and we are aware of that.


    Respawn: Please do not allow instant respawn. I felt bad for some guy who instantly respawned and backtracked himself to my location, around 4 times, repeatedly dying. There's no fun in not having to find someone. Also I've been spawned next to a mob of enemies. That sucks just as equally.


    Weapon Spawns: Relying on the enemy weapons isn't too bad, but maybe if there were a few of the loadout weapons placed here and there it wouldn't kill. Right? I mean, it would kill since providing people guns happens to do that.


    Weapon Locators: Is it possible to remove this feature? There's no real surprise in going after a weapon you know is/still is there. Though I have used it to my advantage and ambush enemies running to the locator, still, meh.


    Ordinance Drops Steal Time: Don't know how to shorten the title for this. Is it possible to make the time a little longer to steal someone else's ordinance? Had my stuff stolen around 4 times in a match. I wanted to cry but remembered that I'm not that big of a baby anymore.


    TL;DR version: Weaken AR/BR. Strengthen shields to require better shot placement. No instant respawn. Spawn loadouts. Remove weapon locators. Increase ordinance steal meter.


    -What would you like to see changed?


    1. The Assault Rifle isn't OP. It's just really effective when you come into it's range. BR is all that I use, and I do not think it needs to be toned down. The DMR damage MAY be a little to high, but I haven't used it yet so before I do I'm not going to suggest any change to it.


    2. People do seem to die a lot quicker in this. But I think it takes the same amount of bullets it has always taken. Again I'll need to watch out for it before I agree with your statement.


    3. The instant respawn isn't compulsory. Even if it was, from what you have said about your example the guy would have still backtracked to your location. That is his choice, nothing to do with the respawns.


    4. I don't mind the weapon locators. I find that they are their because the spawning area's change, If their was a designated spawn area for the weapons, then people would just camp around them until it spawned, then wait for the next one.


    5. I don't mind that their are no weapon spawns. But I wouldn't be against maybe having ammo boxes dotted around the map.


    6. I haven't looked or done this often, but the once or twice I have done it, I agree that it should take a little longer.


    Now to my own suggestions, these are just little things that will make War Games better.


    Descriptions of the Gametypes. E.g. Right now in the description of Dominion, it say's "Dominion 6v6" which isn't very good because it does not tell us what the gametype is about. Better descriptions would be a lot easier for people who are not sure what they are. For this example maybe change it to say "Dominion 6v6. Capture the 3 points and eliminate the enemy team to win. If the enemy team get 1 capture point before they are eliminated, they are allowed to respawn" (or something along these lines)


    Veto option for picking the map. One thing I quite liked about Halo: Reach was that if none of the map's were to your choosing, you had the option to veto it for another choice of 3maps. I find myself constantly playing the same maps on the gametypes and it is a little annoying.


    Change a few of the Armor Abilities. I currently feel that the Thrust pack and the Shield leave me more vulnerable than protected as they have extreme disadvantages and I have yet to find a decent use for them.

    • Like 1
  13. And disappoint its fans by trying to appeal to a whole different company's fans? Good job. Mission accomplished. This isn't another thread about CoD so chill out, I've been playing halo since i was 12, I am now 19. This game has constantly impressed me from since I first played it, what this is about is the little things that take away from the experience.


    1. No weapon spawns of any kind. - This is a major problem since this hasn't been changed since Halo: CE, wtf is that all about? One location for nades and that's it? Ordnance drops? Need I say more?


    2. Perks. - Halo was always fun because it was balanced fair gameplay, everyone has the same opportunities, now with these unfair advantages it really changes gameplay, things like quicker reload and unlimited sprint. Even extra frags? You'll here about nade spam soon enough.


    3. Instant Respawn. - No it's not needed and I've never ever heard of any complaints, 5 seconds is not a long Respawn time at all, it allowed players who were overwhelmed a little breathing room, why not decrease it to 3 secs?


    4. Sights & Sounds. - Honestly the menu and weapon designs look like the final product is a beta, I couldn't believe my eyes, The design of the "oh so famous" Battle Rifle looked terrible, I thought I was playing Crysis, and the menus don't really need an explanation, they are crappy and it took me nearly 20 minutes to find out how to invite my buddy's, and find them in the cluster of **** that is a lobby.


    These are my opinions, I have a lot more but right now I'm on my phone.


    1. No weapon spawns? Yes their are. I think the ordnance drops are a great addition. Means that you can still get a great weapon and not have someone hog the sniper or the rocket launcher all game.


    2. The Perk's in halo 4 aren't overpowered. They seem pretty fair to me.


    3. Seriously? You are saying the game is a disappointment because of the sounds and looks? The game sounds amazing. And looks pretty awesome too. Not everything will be to your taste visually, but that doesn't mean that the game is bad.

  14. Some of this I agree with. The ending wasn't quite what I expected, allthough it was a nice tone really. The drama, the intensity, everything just rose up and then finished like a an opera killed by 50 snipers.


    Seriously though, I think a lot of people demand too much out of videogame series. Halo 4, is one of the best sequels out there at the moment. Thinking about the fact that it's the fourth in the story of Master Chief, and god knows how much in the story of the Halo universe, it's actually nice that it was just that good.


    I'm a lot more concerned about the opening, what was up with that lame interrogation about Master Chief with Halsey. I mean, I get what it was about, but it didn't really fit in to this story. Maybe it fits in to sequels 5 and 6, otherwise it just seemed like it was a waste of storytelling time.


    Chances are it will fit into sequels 5 and 6. As I understood it, he was questioning Halsey about MC because they didnt know if he was dead or not and they wanted replacements

  15. Firstly, I would like to say that I have completed all of the Halo games and have enjoyed all of them greatly, another thing I would like to say is that even though I have not read the books, that task is within my immediate future. I know this knowledge isn't that important, but hopefully it will help people see that I am not just a new comer.


    I really enjoyed Halo 4's campaign/story. And there is a lot of great moments in it that I could endlessly talk about. But for this thread anyway, I want to talk about the things that I didn't like that much, not so that it sounds like I'm hating on 343i and what they did, but to hopefully give some constructive criticism.


    The ending seemed quite abrupt. I went from "this is getting really really good, what's next?" to "wtf this is the end?" in a matter of moments. I knew that we were chasing the Didact to stop him in time, I didn't get a sense of "we are in a hurry and HAVE to catch him." In the cut scene where MC is crossing the light bridge to prime the nuke, he just cautiously/casually strolled across, and I couldn't help thinking "how can you just walk like that in this time of urgent need for speed?" It just didn't evoke any sense of urgency.


    Another thing was the Broadsword flying. Halo has had a tendancy to have a mad dash to get somewhere at the end, which was always a little challenging. In halo 3 for example, driving that warthog across panels that were falling was thrilling, and it made me feel as if i was racing to save myself. In Halo 4 however, the broadsword sequence was cool. But again I never really felt that sense of urgency as if I was in a lot of danger or someone I was trying to save was in danger.


    I only died once, compared to the 4+ times on the Halo 3 ending.


    Now to as how MC was made to deal with the Didact, as much as I enjoyed the way we "defeated" him, I do not think that the quick time event was the right was to deal with him. It seemed very CoD-ish. I would have preffered it if you had to fight him in some way. Maybe by shooting him, going in for a melee to take away a part of his chest plate, then putting the grenade in would have made it worthy of such powerful beings.


    Last thing I want to mention, as much as I understand how it was done. I HATED Cortana's death. In my opinion, Halo is about MC and Cortana, fighting the enemies together, and making a big scene about how Cortana was really important to MasterChief, and how he promised to save her, to then kill her? I think it was a real blunder, as not only did you destroy half of what players have been attached to since Halo: CE, you also made it so that you now need to create another AI that is better than cortana. Which, in my opinion 343i cannot do. Players have neen attached to Cortana for a very long time, anything other than her will never be as good in their eyes.


    That is of course if a spartan needs an AI. So maybe someone can clarify that for me. I really do hope that they haven't killed Cortana off completely. They took a big risk playing with our hearts doing that.


    Thanks for reading.

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