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Anthony Ryan Bonci

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Everything posted by Anthony Ryan Bonci

  1. Trying to run some ranked or hcs i got a friend online we are ready to play message DualX or leave gt below. Please have a Mic
  2. Just want to point out that i have had server issues for the past week. And no it is not my internet i have a 50mb comcast connection. Which is a 5mb a sec. download rate. Not only me but everyone that i play with. Second the game is suppose to switch host to prevent this from being a game long experience. Well that feature does not work. It is annoying because it was a week long issue. One day thats cool, but a week thats a little ridiculous. The last game i played ctf everyone was lagging, then it did the old iconic bluescreen 7 times in one match is did not resolve the host dependency issue. Not just a rant here, was hoping on some information about this issue and if it was being looked into.
  3. looking for a group of guys that are looking to play on a competitive level. Nothing to serious, just want teammates to play the matchmaking with. Tired of gettin set up with a bunch of kids that are not good, and getting paired with a team of 4 and getting rapped. Any way my gt is a little confusing so if you want to play just leave you gt here and we will jump online =) thanks guys hope everyone is having fun with halo 4
  4. Wow op you are a douchbag sorry just going to say what everyone is thinking and yes if you buy the dlc then have dlc playlist dont restrict people that dont want to waste money on maps they think are horrible. I understand where you are comming from op but you seriously sound like a douchbag
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=tVVjuTaODvc At 3:42 in this video right after the guys dies there is a person on the blue team that comes running by. The thing is he is glowing blue and moving at a high rate of speed whats up with that. Maybe I am just behind, but could someone fill me in
  6. This is what i wonder, multi player rank. I played reach with guests and friends and they say in halo reach they try to make it even for multi ranked parties. When i played tho it seemed there was a influx of high ranking people or low ranking people it never seemed balanced for me. I was a hero and my friends were not that high in rank, and it seemed like we were either playing High ranking people or noobs never a good mix of both hope they take that into consideration when 4 comes out
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