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buffy the spartan buffalo

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Posts posted by buffy the spartan buffalo

  1. yeah so i just voted but a little confused by this :sweat: if i preordered it before the voting even started can i still get all 3 bonuses and the forest skin? :cat: i have no clue how these pre order things work so please help!

  2. Sure thing bud, we all try and help eachother out around here, its what we do :)

    yeah thanks a lot that cleared a lot of cofusion for me but i preordered the LE from gamestop before only when it was the forest armor skin so what will i get or both?? :turned:


    yeah thanks a lot that cleared a lot of cofusion for me but i preordered the LE from gamestop before only when it was the forest armor skin so what will i get or both?? :turned:

    also i just looked at the gamestop site and it said its only the forest armor skin so will it still be the artic BR skin?
  3. Here is how it works. As you rank up 1-50 you unlock Spartan Points (similar to Reach cR) and certain ranks unlock weapons and packages like the BR, DMR, Light Rifle, Support Packages and Tactical Packages etc. You can than use the Spartan Points you unlocked to purchase the weapons and various packages for use in your custom loadouts.

    After the initial 1-50 ranks/levels you unlock the ability to rank through Specializations. There are a total of 8 Specializations each having 1-10 levels. After you complete one Spec. you can than move on to another Spec. You DO NOT have to level through the initial 1-50 again and DO NOT have to unlock the weapons and packages again. Leveling through Specializations unlocks Spec. specific armor skins, weapon skins and packages.

    cool thanks for that but do you possibly know if the last gun or armor abilitie is going to be super hard to unlock?
  4. will the weapon skins like the BR artic skin be able to be unlocked later by unlocking it instead of just a preorder? we probably wont know until it comes out but if any of you know please respond because i already ordered my LE from gamestop but i want the artic skin really badly cause it looks nasty.

  5. does anybody know how the gun unlocking will work like if you get them all sooner or later. also is there going to be a prestige like system where you get to pick a specilization after "prestiging" and are the guns going to be unlocked easily through levels or it takes like 2 years just to get to the last gun? cuz i dont want the next halo game coming out in a few days and i just unlocked the light rifle. :2guns:

  6. I can see where you're going with this, but once again I will suggest that we take a step back and analyse the situation. If we break things down, we soon realise that the things you have listed have been found in a variety of games before, and it shouldn't be considered "stealing the idea" if it is a good idea to start off with. First of all, the Promethean vision - could be compared to stuff from Splinter Cell, or even Assassin's Creed. The medal system, although not very seen in most FPS genres, Halo was not its originator (as far as I know). I'm not too certain about crazy king, but as for the futuristic aspect - I can see that there are aspects that resemble Halo, but heck, they also resemble Terminator-styled backdrops.

    It's getting easy for people to claim that other games are "stealing their ideas", but if we look at it in hindsight, even if it is true, isn't that simply a compliment to the series who originated the idea, since others liked it so much they jumped on board? Anyways, I hope this was helpful. Everybody's entitled to their opinion. This is just mine.

    i guess so.
  7. Actually, I would say that Reach is one of the most balanced Halo games (just my opinion). The bloom for one, along with the health/shield systems seem to have put players on an even more equal battlefield than other Halo games (also depending on what playlist you are playing). So, I would that no, Reach isn't unbalanced and that you've either had a bad game streak (happens to everyone once in a while), you've been having lag issues or you've had the misfortune of being paired up with amazing players. Anyways, I wish you luck in your future games and I hope you get your groove back and start doing "sick" again soon!

    It really actually depends on what playlist you play on and how you play on it. Like I am ok in Swat, and sometimes normal slayer, but if I go anywhere else, I will just drop like a fly with little to no kills in the game. So try playing different playlists and their different weapons. Or try to practice with the weapons in Forge or a custom game. :)

    yeah its probably the bloom on the DMR because i have a trigger finger so hate the DMR for it's bloom and thnx zelda ill try different playlists.
  8. ive noticed that black ops 2 and halo 4 have some in multiplayer similarities like


    1 promethian vision and a scope that can see through walls

    2 getting medals for practically everything

    3 a krazy king game mode

    4 both futuristic


    it seemed to me like all these changes to halo were copied that were later annouced in black ops 2.


    is this right?

  9. I wonder if when you EMP it, will it act like a Wraith and shut down temporarily, or will it act like the Scorpion and still be able to oscillate it's cannon?


    That'll be a huge deciding factor if it's OP or not.

    go look at the mantis gameplay analis that eli from MLG did on his youtube channel it looks like a beast!
  10. If only I had a money tree :(


    I am buying all of the halo 5 stuff. I am taking it all to college with me :)

    do you mean halo 4? o and by the way the tritton triggers for halo 4 cost $60 but at amazon where i just preordered myn after reading some reviews are $50. oh and sorry icy but i dont know if they are compatable with PCs
  11. Before saying its op how about we play in it first. The reason it was destroying everything and everyone with ease in the trailer is because it was supposed to showcase its badassness. I thought people got that... I'm sure 343 won't throw an uber op mech vehicle into the mix at the last minute come on guys haha

    yeah i cant wait to play this now reach just seems so unbalanced. but anyway they just announced another map called abandend or however you spell it on IGN . cant wait to try out the matis. :laughing:
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