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Durandal v2

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Status Updates posted by Durandal v2

  1. For those in the midwest be careful tomorrow, a bad ice storm is going to hit hard

  2. Had tons of fun at the play date :)

  3. Have a wonderful day 343ICF

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      And a wonderful day to you as well Avictus!

  4. I don't think they understand that most halo fans don't want designer boots

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A71william


      Absolute it's costly but an extremely powerful laser can be 5x5cm but power is a problem!

    3. Durandal v2
    4. Quantum


      Look at my profile picture... who did you think I was??

  5. I think the community deserves to know who these insiders are, until they are exposed people will continue to be turned against each other

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sarge


      Thats all we can hope for


    3. A71william


      Both of you are right.

      Sarge is right.

      SweatyBagels got his status locked for trying to get people to respect the staff...

    4. SatanicBagels


      no I locked it myself.

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