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Posts posted by snaker1323

  1. Hello it's me here. Recently, i have been raging a bit, due to people using ASSAULT RIFLES!! Whenever I oppose an enemy with an

    Assault Rifle, they always win. I personally think 343 overpowered the Assault Rifle. No offence to people who use it, but I think people 

    who use Assault Rifles generally are too wimpish to actually oppose an enemy in a 1v1, and are scared they will lose. This is ruining the online gaming experience on Halo 4.

    How in the world is CQC with an AR not 1V1?

    Just asking


    I nearly find this very true. In other game types people use the DMR and BR and sometimes the Assult Rifle but thing is I dont like bout it is that people use it too much in games of Regicide and Im like the only one using DMR so hard to play Regicide with all Assult Rifle users! :chaingun:

    Why is it weird that there are AR's in regicide... its a FFA CQC gamemode.


    No offense, but people that try sniping with DMR/BRs with aim assist and bullet magnetism up the whazoo and are never more than a foot from a corner so they can run behind it like a **** the second their shield even goes down slightly are cowardly and unskilled. No offense.


    No offense, btw.


    And the Assault Rifle is a nuisance at most. A halfway competent Magnum can easily dispatch them. If you are having issues with assault rifle users you are playing Halo 4 wrong. Simple. The game is an uphill fight for them, I am shocked when I see a guy go positive with one of those things.

    I hate those guys that hide when they get hit once or twice. Also I almost always go positive with my AR.

  2. I think that the AR is fine for big team battle. That what I always use and most of the time I do good.


    if you play a big map with an Assault rifle and a magnum expect to be PWNed all game long.

    Those are the two weapons I use for every big team map.

  3. Me with my AR on a medium to small map with decent cover can beat the average DMR user any day. That doesn't make it OP, just good for what it does, which is killing at close quarter. Now if the AR could kill a DMR user at medium to long range then we would have a problem, but it can't so we don't have a problem.

  4. I only use active camo. I love using it to sneak into bases and killing half the enemy team because they are to stupid to see the distortion. Sometimes I camp with it but rarely. The one time I did camp with it was during dominion when I was the only person guarding the middle base.

  5. Well I don't care about the nerf. I still rarely get killed by the boltshot because I don't rush around corners... much. Also I use the AR so I am in the kill distance of the Boltshot most of the time that I am fighting and I still don't get killed by it.

  6. I know i'm gonna get some hate for this, but i don't think that the boltshot was ever op. I did a test on it and it is far crappier than the shotguns, and the other pistols have their ranges. I rarely use the boltshot because I have no use for such a one use weapon, and I rarely get killed with it even though I use an ar most of the time. When I see a person hiding around the corner with a boltshot I throw a grenade or just go the other way.


    I guess I dont care that the boltshot will be nerfed because it wont effect me at all.

  7. Map: Haelith
    Canvas: Ravine
    Gamertag: Snaker1323


    to see video
    Description: This is a small map containing three sections. There is the high buildings, the low base, and the middle street. It works best for 4v4. The Sniper spawns at the bottom of the map where as the rocket launcher spawns at the top of the map. There are many paths connecting the top to the bottom and middle.
    • Like 2
  8. Well I use camo so I have gotten used to what the distortion from camo looks like and there is the radar spot around the player using it. So I think that active camo is fine as an armor ability.

  9. Only 4 times? You, sir, are either incredibly lucky/amazingly skilled/a liar/don't play enough. Take your pick.

    he probably has only played 1 slayer match rest swat grifball lol.

    Well I took a 2 week brake but then I mostly played slayer. And for the not getting killed with it I just didn't run around corners like a tard. and a lot of people I have played against don't use the bolt shot.

  10. Well I just want to say that over the past 2 months of playing I have been killed with a boltshot 4 times. I only have one loadout with a bolt shot and that is my promethean one. Once I did a test and it showed that... (look on my previous post to see the actual results) The unsc shotty kills at the farthest distance and the boltshot and scattershot are tied. I did that test 10 times and got the same results. I think that if someone just rushes around corners that they will die no matter if the person camping around the corner has a boltshot or any other gun.


    So... I believe based on my testing that the boltshot is not all that great compared to the shotguns.

  11. I just tested the boltshot, scattershot, and unsc shotgun and...


    at about 20 feet the results were:

    boltshot: 1/4 of shield gone

    scattershot: missed

    shotgun: 1/2 of shield gone


    at about 15 feet:

    boltshot: 3/4 of shield gone

    scattershot: 1/2 of shield gone

    shotgun: all shield gone


    at abut 10 feet:

    boltshot: all shield gone

    scattershot: all shields gone

    shotgun: dead


    at about 5 feet:

    boltshot: dead

    scattershot: dead

    shotgun: dead


    well that is what I saw.

    • Like 1
  12. Hello this is Snaker1323 and i made a map called "this sucks"

    it runs on the game type "wow"

    I suggest playing with 8 or more people.


    The objective is to shoot the other players into the middle which kills them. you can watch the video






  13. Looks ok... you should add some more cover and stuff to fill up the map and make it less plain. Also that part into the building in the back in the prebuilt structure seems abit too narrow... maybe if it was widened up alittle.

  14. I want to stop and say that personally i think all the weapons are fine. The guns are good for their ranges but crap for the others for example:

    DMR: good long range, ok medium, bad short BR: good medium, ok long, bad short AR: good short, ok medium, bad long Pistol: good short, ok medium, bad long


    Each gun has its weaknesses and can be countered by using planned tactics. For example using cover to not get killed by a hard hit from the dmr. Or killing the person with the close range gun before they can get to you.


    Well that is my opinion.

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