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  1. Love these ideas. I'm all for a good flashbang. A flash grenade on Wayont CTF when the whole team is chilling inside playing D would of been amazing. Well honestly a flashbang on any BTB CTF/Assault game would be so clutch b.c. everybody seems to love to camp in the base when they can't use a DMR.
  2. ____I will try to describe what I believe the Holodeck room on the newly mentioned Spartan ship Infinity is, I'm bored and figured it'd be a great first post, and how it fits in the Halo universe and try to link up other things like Forge, War Games and Spartan Ops into a fun little concept of mine. Please tell me what you think. It’s a long read but I put a lot of thought into this so I hope it can make sense to someone else lol. And if it is already mentioned what the Holodeck is somewhere then my bad I didn't find anything and just wanted to get creative. ____I feel like there’s no better way to train Spartans than to have them do missions in virtual worlds to stay sharp and to teach/prepare them. It's the future. Imagine the technology they could possibly have considering how quickly technology advances nowadays. Is it hard to imagine they constructed a section of a room that’s floor could move, like if on a roller that took into account the inertia produced by a Spartan as if he/she were in an actual world composed like whatever map they're playing on. It would adjust depending on the gravity on the designed world along with other factors like surface composition. A person could then feel like they’re moving on any kind of world while staying in place because the rollers would move the floor section so the person running/walking/diving is actually staying in the same spot in the room, which could be laid anywhere inside the Holodeck room. An example of what I kinda mean is this video (Just watch first 10 seconds and you'll get what I mean). I say a roller just to help to associate and simplify the idea of what my concept actually is. Now imagine this floor could move/distort/deform in 3 dimensions to simulate the ground of the designed map. It moves into shape according to whatever environment the Spartan is about to come upon in his simulation and retains its ability to feel like the environment programmed in the simulation because it is touch sensitive. ____I assume in the Halo universe that the simulation designers wouldn't be held down by a limited amount of maps. In fact I would assume they would have the best computer engineers working on designing and coding simulations of worlds the Spartans would go on during missions/Spartan Ops. They train the Spartans to do whatever is expected on a specific mission through a program they design that renders whatever world they want to create to simulate any type of mission/Spartan Op. The program tells the floor how to act according to the environment designed around the Spartan in the simulation and the virtual world’s scenery is rendered/displayed into the Spartan's helmet. ____I feel like the Holodeck room is focused around the computer that executes the simulation program. The computer has a hookup that can link with the Spartan's helmet so it displays what the designed world is as if the Spartan was walking on in it in real life. The Holodeck could refer to the computer in the room that helps run the program. The Holodeck room's computer has an interface that is hologram-like that kinda works/looks like the minority report one, if anyone doesn't know what I mean here's a link to a picture of what I've evolved my idea from http://www.jonathanr...rity-report.jpg. ____Who else than the Spartans should be able to design the perfect combat arenas. So Forge was designed as a program in the Halo universe to make it easy and quick for Spartans to make their own maps and design their own combat scenarios. Forge is a simplified, less detailed and smaller program that is based off the Holodeck’s training world simulation I previously mentioned. Spartans can design a map, set up the rules for the game and be able compete in War Games when not training. ____Obviously Spartans want to stay in shape and on top of their game while having some friendly competition. What better way to do this than to have them fight other Spartans in a room like I described. Imagine them being done with training missions and they're looking for a way to unwind so they play War Games in a Holodeck room against each other on predetermined maps that are setup like Halo 4 multiplayer. A floor on the ship houses however many Holodeck rooms that all have their computers synced so Spartans can compete in War Games and use their Forge maps in a competitive game atmosphere. ____I believe Halo 4 multiplayer, if it was in the Halo universe, is the visual part of the program I described in this post. I hope someone understands what I mean by saying that. Like clearly modern 2012 technology can’t render environments to look photo-realistic so Halo 4 looks like a video game but look at Crysis. You can’t tell me that in the future the technology won’t be able to stream a virtual 3D world that looks nearly identical to the real world. So you see where I’m going with this? In the Halo universe, Halo 4 is actually Halo X, X being whatever version number it would be by that time, and can be programmed to display a virtual world that looks exactly like the real world. So in the Halo universe they could prepare for missions/Spartan Ops by using the Halo X visual renderer, which is only part of the program I described that also adjusts the floor to make the Holodeck room into a perfect mission simulator. Get what I’m saying? I hope so. ____Sorry it’s sporadic but I had a lot of ideas and didn’t know where to mention them. I wanted to make everything make sense and be believable so I wanted to be thorough but I'm sure I didn't explain some things good. I’m sure my grammar isn’t great because I’ve never been good at writing but I hope it doesn’t inhibit your ability to understand what I’m trying to say. Just ask questions and I'lll happily try to say what I mean in another way by being more specific. This is just a fantasy piece I wrote and want to see what people think.
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