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Real Talk

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Posts posted by Real Talk

  1. Not really, well, at least not where I'm from, news is any general happening, most of the times back In my hometown, it was like charity events and sports things.


    I think it depends like on if the news is local or not, makes a big difference imo. Big news is all about capturing the most viewers

  2. I wouldn't say Canada is even remotely similar to the US, I suggest you don't say that, we prefer that we aren't compared to our neighbours to the south. My reasoning behind this, is because growing up we got US tv and all the news on it was never good, 1/50 times the news was actually good, but besides that it was normally murders, robberies, car jackings, fire fights...


    What!? Isnt news solely composed of robberies, murders, and fights everywhere?!

    As much as I dislike a lot of things about the U.S. its still one of the greatest places to live for various reasons. And seeing as im not able to vote because im barely not eligible its all Halo 4!

    I enourage people who can vote to go out and vote, you have the opportunity so why let it go to waste?

    • Like 1
  3. He's absolutely right, after awhile the company begins to run out of creative ideas, by halo 6 the plot is gonna start to suck. By the time Halo 7 comes around, you'll be wishing they never made it.


    Don't believe me? COD is the perfect example of this.


    Thats why for a new trilogy a new company might take the reins to bring in new ideas. And COD is a different situation since they try and put it into the "real world" timeline like WWI, WWII, Vietnam, etc. Halo has a bit more space to be creative since it has its own universe.

    Its not that I dont agree that companies do start to run out if ideas eventually its just that I think Halo is still good up to 7. After that its really iffy.

  4. I say we should have a shout box debate ! You know people give questions and the candidates give a response. However one person should be mailed the questions that way The shoutbox is not overrun by questions every second. Then people can decide to change their vote or we could have a final vote count.

  5. By my calculations (might be a bit off) of the people running the percentages are

    Zelda: 4 votes(~24%)

    iTz Vplus2: 5 votes(~29%)

    Twighlight: 1 vote(~6%)

    Mr. Bashful Brute: 7 votes(41%)


    However if we included the people that voted and tried to nominate others the statistics were

    Zelda: 4 (~15%)

    iTz Vplus2: 5 (~19%)

    Twighlight Sparkle: 1 (~4%)

    Mr. Bashful Brute: 7 (~27%)

    Other: 9 (~35%)


    Brought to you Real Talk :laughing:.

    • Like 4
  6. I find that using "Slight of Hand" is one of the most usefull perks as well as the one where your aim is steadier from hip firing. A lot of people run around dropping all sorts of useless perks like running longer, under barrel attachments etc....


    Nothing is more usefull than reloading fast and steadying aim. I am pretty darn good at CoD MW3 but have only played Blops for the Zombies.

    I would also suggest putting on Ghost and a silencer nothing better than killing noobs without showing up on the radar. Galil was always a top choice gun for me, along with AK47. And since it is COD I suggest making a rapid fire class just for the fun of it.

  7. The amount of things that could be done with the ability to place bots would be endless, simply saying that fighting them is boring is not reason enough to disregard the idea. I would like to see it, I've seen people talking about this since the release, of Halo 3, but I doubt we'll ever see it. People were able to place bots in Halo CE, but i'm not sure if that was done via a simple program or actual coding. It could probably be done, the only reasons I see for it not being done would be disk space and the amount of work required to put something like that into Forge.


    Again, I doubt we'll ever see it. What I would like to see would be the ability to place objects similar to hills on the map and give them names, so that you could actually name parts of your map that would be visible under your radar instead of what is there by default. But alas, that too is probably incredibly wishful thinking.


    What purpose would bots serve other than fighting them, using them for target practice or being used as test dummies. The bots would not be able to do anything to complex if they were to be put in. Its not that I am against the idea of putting bots in, I am just wondering the different things they could be used for.

  8. I'll vote for Shepard. She's a far more interesting and engaging character than the Master Chief (who I don't find all that interesting to begin with) Despite all of the wars they've fought, despite watching people they knew and cared about die, Shepard still has and shows emotion. The Master Chief hardly displays anything resembling emotion in the entire trilogy. I never get to see, hear, or feel his humanity (which I know he still has), and that prevents me from making any special connection with him. The whole blank slate thing would be fine if the character had no backstory and always remained quiet, however when your character does have a background (a rather detailed one I might add), and actively speaks and interacts with other characters in the games and universe, the "blank slate" approach doesn't really work all that well.


    I've never felt any connection, sympathy, or pity for the Master Chief. This is in large part to just how little emotion he's ever displayed. At most some of his dialog has hinted at him being either angry, annoyed, or overwhelmed/worried about his current situation, but these instances do little for me. Hopefully 343 Industries does a better job than Bungie at conveying his humanity and his emotions.


    I think you meant he* :laughing:

    But seriously you make a good point.

    I dont really see the Chief taking off his armor and sitting behind a desk anytime soon.

    Just for the record I love em both but I would rather have the Chief having my back in a fight.

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