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hyper shadowfox

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Everything posted by hyper shadowfox

  1. no offense but im surprised ksi has exisist for so long since the dawn of halo 2 xD how is it alive still????
  2. I know!!! i want to Dx i wonder if they are looking at this i hope so okay so im gonna try posting this in the halo 4 section cause i didt mean for it to be in this one >.<
  3. Okay i hope 343 saw my other great idea thread about the machinima hopefully i put the thread on the right topic thingy but i must say this is my number 3 idea for halo 4 if they ever make halo 4 and give it a kinect setting i was thinking about this to up the halo creativity cause i have a wild imagination so tell me if you like this idea i recall bungie showing a vid for a part where the animation copied how the human moved when he was acting as a marine getting off a pelican in halo reach with the turret so i was thinking to help the halo experience this is a little part for connect nothing to big but maybe they could design it to where when the human moves so does the spartan in real time so they can give a section where you can create your own assassinations and you can use a second friend as the dummy spartan so you can make your own cool customization of assassinations and of course it will have a time limit on how long you perform the assassination so do you guys think this is a great and fun idea for online customization? so you can freely show off an attack you created?
  4. well yeah i can understand it being a huge bother and time consuming but at best or most they could at least make it a update
  5. well however people did it in reach ^^ i probably should have also included that it can be helped with friend over xbox live so you dont have to do everything by yourself ^^ lol
  6. thanks =D it means a lot! and im glad you were first comment lol ^^
  7. Okay so ive got more ideas but this is my second best one ive had for years now and i want you guys to comment and tell me if you think 343 should do this? I had the idea that maybe to keep things fun and entertaining they should have a mode called Machinima mode or machinima world for halo 4 its obvious they have theater so you have the camera i think this mode should provide many things and exclusives from the other mode that they should have it to where that mode you can select things such as brutes the new enemies grunts even exclusive ships like pelican or whatever new vehicles they have that seem like you cant drive them it should also have like a point where you can control the aliens or spartans in the level even maybe marines so it helps out more for machinima fans so it adds more entertainment and excitement to movie making even for people such as rvb it should also give the movie maker a chance to make a great clip showing off halo even if your a rookie to machinima and it should at most contain old and new levels from the old halo universe so it feels like you don't have to change a plot dramatically levels such as fan favorites lockout,headlong,turf or even pit and snowbound thats one of my ideas sorry if it doesn't have enough detail but tell me if you guys like ^-^
  8. im bored but have some great ideas for 343

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