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Status Updates posted by EliteSniper

  1. YES! I just hit level 50! Now to complete Wetwork :D

  2. One month left. Only one. D*** NOVEMBER WHY ARE YOU SO FAR AWAY?

  3. If anyone wants to play Halo 3 and ODST add me on XBL :D

  4. Am I the only one that wants BF Bad Company 3? :D

  5. NOOOOO! noblehero252 won the flood avatar prop from ducain23! D:

  6. I just played The Last of Us on my friend's PS3. It is really good!! ^_^

  7. Must. Resist. One. Week.

  8. More easter eggs in campaign?!?! That means a lot more hours spent trying to find them!

  9. Troopers, we are green, and very, very mean!

  10. Happy Birthday Austin! :)

  11. "Halo: The Master Chief Collection will be released in: Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been released."

  12. Looks like I'm getting Champions Bundle next week, the combination of the beta dashboard with the MS Points convert derped my Xbox D:

  13. HAHA! You owe me 1 million euros! I read your "About Me" page >:D

  14. Happy New Year to all!

  15. On vacation for a month :)

  16. I had so much fun on Halo 3's playdate xD

  17. I am back!! What did I miss? XD

  18. Saddly I'm sick, but the funny thing is the last time I was sick was in February 2012 -___-

  19. I'm over-excited for Halo 4 as they brought back Never Forget! :D

  20. *Still waits for epic Destiny news*

  21. Olympic Games 2012, here we are!

  22. Again, congratulations on Dedicated :D

  23. Once again, I realised that I suck at minigames on playdates :3

  24. Sail ho! It's the Spambots! Prepare for battle, lads!

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